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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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wooty woot woot how choppy was it out there tonight tongue.gifph34r.gifbiggrin.gif shoulda guessed really, makeing our way to the ray mark the lack of other boats in the area was the first clue and then the huge waves afterwards was kinda the 2nd clue biggrin.gif


corkys famous last words its going to die down by 8.pm maybe he meant some where else on the other side of the globe cos he certainly didnt mean out by xchurch way ph34r.gifbiggrin.gif on the way back in we couldnt do any more than 8knots

due to some rather large waves saying hello to us biggrin.gif wed decided to seek refuge back in the harbour


on a bright side though thanks to some great advice from gnasher and dommyboy i finally got my first ray biggrin.gif it was a 4lb thornback ,boy was i wooping like a cheerleader in a football changeing room searching for soap ph34r.gifbiggrin.gif

also got a few doggies at that mark so for the short time we were there i had a excelant sesh biggrin.gif


then the green eyed sea sick monster started to play with me but luckily this time i didnt chunder biggrin.gif the thought of my ray and cadburys chocolate fingers kept me going ph34r.gif


but like i mentioned earlier id like to say a big thx dommy boy and gnasher for takeing time and effort to guide me on the right path thx lads ph34r.gifbiggrin.gif


Fish on!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


well done Daz. Yep, i wouldn't of wanted to of been out there in those conditions. It also usually fishes better when the water is flattening off and our boat had 10 in a couple of hours in mirror calm water (shame i wasn't on it though dry.gif )


The thornies average between 8-10lb there and theres also a load of smalleyed to go for aswel that run into double figures, but average about 7-8lb. Keep plugging away and with a bit of practise i'm sure you will get plenty. They are there in numbers at the moment, so as soon as the conditions allow, give it another go.


Danny T

Posted (edited)

Well done for trying hard and getting something.


The weather's been a pig.

I've had a shark trip organised all year onboard White Waters in Pembrokeshire.


On Tuesday it was looking 50/50. No probs, I'll hold off on booking the accomodation.


On Wednesday we got the nod for the trip and on Thursday at the crack of dawn Abbie and I head off towards Milford Haven.

We left early so I could show Abbie a little bit of the beautiful Pembrokeshire coastline before booking into our hotel and an early night for the trip in the morning.


Thursday was a breezy day in Pembrokeshire, but the forecast was good and so we trundled around the various Haven's and Seaside towns of my childhood holidays.

As teh afternoon wears on, we head to a hotel that fishing partner Dave had recommended and we book in and hand over 75 squidlies for the privelage.

At that point I get a call from a prospective customer who happens to have his boat in the Marina that the hotel over looks and so I head down to meet him and nose around his current boat which is his planned px. Abbie heads to the hotel room for a shower and a read of a book.


Stood on the quayside right where I will be stepping on White Waters the following morning I am chatting away to my customer when the phone rings.

"Tom, it's Dave. Tomorrow's cancelled. shipping forecast is 4 to 5 Norwest occasionally six, moderate to rough or very rough"

I bet it was rough last night based on that forecast!


How gutted was I.

I went back to the hotel room, woke Abbie up, packed the bag back up and drove the 4 and a half hours back to Poole.


Our trip cost:

Two tanks of fuel in the truck and 536miles

A hotel room for the night which I was too grumpy to stay in

A shed load of bits and bobs on the tackle front

A seasons anticipation waiting for it to happen.


Dave promises that we'll get out, I can't wait for it to happen as White Waters is the UK's best known sharking boat with hundreds of Blues and many Porgies every year. Lots of Blues into triple figures and some topping 200lb. Don't know when it will be as tieing up my diary with his is a little like finding rocking horse poo.


Isn't the weather cr@p!



Edited by TomBettle
did it fight? or was it like pulling a dustbin lid from the depths?

Dan, use light gear and they pull back like hell, especially when theres a bit of tide running. As with most medium size species, if the gear isn't balanced then you can just winch them in, so something like a 8-12lb class rod with 15-20lb braid is about right for the area( about 65ft with no snags).


good luck on finding yer rocking horse poo tom biggrin.gif



did it fight ? you bet it did biggrin.gif then it felt like pulling up a bin lid, it must of succombe to my elite pro fishing skills tongue.gifbiggrin.gif


we were at the xray mark last sat and it was perfect calm like a mirror wish i knew then what i do now ph34r.gifbiggrin.gif cant wait till i get back out there but its the same old story wife/weather permitting and of course the first hurdle is the hardest to get over i can handle a small thing like God dealing with weather but the wifey then were talking a different matter tongue.gifbiggrin.gif


ill give you a shout next time were out dommyboy wink.gif


i was useing a normal spinning rod with 15/20lb line cant remember but it certainly bent the rod biggrin.gif


had to have a break and a smoke after hauling it up but welll worth it biggrin.gif


xray mark? blink.gif


i was using fairly light tackle (not sure the specifics, as i was using a borrowed rod), 4 me it shot off as soon as it bit, then once i tightend the drag it barely moved, until it broke the surface n did not want to go in the net!



xray mark? blink.gif






the red dot on corkys gps that says xray tongue.gif thats all i know guv ph34r.gif


i got a little twitch on ma rod then lifted weight gently of the deck to check then it ran of put up a fight got it half way then it decided to run around like a loon then i managed to heave it up biggrin.gif soon as the rod twitched that was it i was sqealing like a girl biggrin.gif


cant wait to get out again ph34r.gif


just below where you type your message, theres a 'browse' button, press it and then find the pic on your comp!


its got to be smaller than 128 k, so you may want to use paint to resise it!




Mate, the weather was choppy as hell on friday, braver man than me but if you kept your sea legs in that then you should be good in anything. Glad you caught your first Ray, be it a little one. Now youve caught one you should get a few more onboard, like Dan (Gnasher) said it fishes better when there isnt much movement on the water and its calm. The same methods can be deployed for fishing for the conger....(PM to come). Well done and good luck next time.



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