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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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bought my self a new rod and reel combo 30lb class put 30lb braid on and i was ready for action biggrin.gif

the rod is quite flexible and you get a real good feel through the rod for detections which i thought was good for a 30lb rod ,this may be the norm but i know nothing about rods and woulda thought less feel through the heaveier duty rods??


any way got a call from corky on sat do i fancy a spot of mackky bashing so we can freeze some up for bait in the winter and did i fancy bringing my son scott with me,so we headed out with my son and nephew ashley ,

within 1 hour the little lad ashley was going a nice shade of green and was mumbling something about being sick sick.gif .we still hadnt got any mackkys by this stage and me and corky where wondering if we were to late and the mackkys have gone.........in the meantime still saying to the young lads yeah well catch loads dont worry i was starting to get nervous didnt want to bring my boy and rod out and get a total blank even mackky bashing lol ph34r.gif got to keep the fish god illusions up with the youngsters ph34r.gif

2 hours later and ashley has now reached lvl 1 of sea sickniss and attempts to ground bait for us sick.gif i tried all sorts with him look at the horizon look at the ballon in bournemouth then bang the mackky went mad pure chaos for the next half hour the young lads were in there element little ashley had forgot about sesickness and had then moved onto how they were pros and we were rubbish.

we got a good bucketfull to freeze up so it saved the day and on the way back in we passed the usual anglers on the haven groines and the fishermen on the quay the lads held aloft there prize mackky screaming look mackies!!!!!


well worth it biggrin.gif


sun came proper fishing time biggrin.gif

grabbed a few mackkies on the way to the ray mark ,it was nice and calm on the way out pleasant journey.

while out there we heard on the radio about a diver who was unconsous and bleeding and needed lifting you could hear on the radio the skippers anguish in his voice so the helicopter come out hover really low and take the guy of then head back to poole ,got to be said what a marvoulous and courageous job the rescue servies do and after seing yesterdays events makes feel a bit happier and safer knowing that hey are there and i hope i never need to see them ,they all deserve premership footballer wages for there jobs.........

and on the way back in we heard a call come for 2 lost divers of a wreck at lulworth not been seen for 45 mins ,this promptly got us saying f!!! diveing dont trust my life with a metal can on ma back.not a day for divers yesterday sad.gif


back to the fishing the ray mark and what a day i had biggrin.gif

we started of with the usual couple of doggies biteing away nothing much .

so after that nothing so i decides im gonna stuff my fat face with a sandwich and choccy bar so i sits in the cubby and yep you guessed it soon as the cheeks went down BANG went my rod the butty got dropped and of i went galloping like a wildebeast running from a lion to snatch my rod tongue.gif then proceeded with the customery wooping like a hyena in heat ,it felt like i had snagged the titanic it was like a pure dead weight corky then says to me that aint a fish its a snag i got to admit it suddenly crossed my mind it might be cos it didnt wiggle or nothing just dead weight so i dropped my rod a little to ease the tension then my rod wiggled like mad so it was game on and with corky saying every 30 secs you such a lucky f..... daz i knew it was good times,

i got it up half way then my arms started to tire plus my arthritis was sore so that didnt help but the buzz kept me going finally hauled its fat a.. up to the top and got it in the boat and it was a 7lb thornback biggrin.gif after the customery piccys i put it back and watched it swim away with the imortal words echoing you jammy t... daz biggrin.gif

had to have a fag and drink after that like.......

i know its small compared to what you guys get but it felt like moby dick to me and seing as im new to this sea fishing malarky its all new to me biggrin.gif


rebaited up and of we go, got a couple of doggies THEN i got a twitch and bang again biggrin.gif this time it wasnt to bad to get up at first i thought it was a heavy doggie then relized it wasnt got it up to the top and it was a blonde ray got it to the side of the boat my mate andrei leans over to pick it up and BAM the hook comes out of its mouth as his hands are 1 inch away from it!!!!!GUTTED tongue.gif both looked at each other and then p..... ourselfs laughing we gave it 5lb by the size of it of course thats a fishermans 5lb wink.gif

i then tried to claim the boat record for blonde ray but corky was haveing none of it lol he says cos it didnt come on the deck hes not gonna allow it we shall see ph34r.gif its only cos hes jealous lol caught nothing else really corky and andre had doggies all day thats it ,

a white boat come over and said hello to us and he was going back in cos when the tide turns it could get choppy so we waved goodbye and fished on .oh how right was mr little white boat was we up anchored about hour after waveing goodbye to mr white boat and headed back in slowly and over some amuseing waves that resulted in us all getting a good soaking even in the cubby .


so for the record i had a brilliant weekends fishing hope you all did as well and i hope all the divers are safe and big applauds to the rescue services


sorry for the bible length post wife is out and looking after kids so bored ph34r.gif




The little white boat was me Daz. Thought it might be you out there and worth mentioning that it looked like it would rough up.


I suspect that your "blonde ray" was probably a spotted ray or small eyed ray as I have never caught a Blonde on that mark.


The conditions were not best for that mark, you want to try when the tides are smaller and the weather a bit better.



PS: "Small white boat" is 1 ft longer than the Raider you were in smile.gif



good day then!


you should have tried eating the thornback! there great baked!


gut it 1st, like an hourglass around the body,

put the wings in cling film in the fridge for a day

take it out, wash off the goo (ammonia), then skin each wing (you will need pliers..)

then put it in fresh cling film and leave it in the fridge for another 2days!


then enjoy baked in the oven with capers!

1 wing is enough for 2 people biggrin.gif so a 7lber is for 4 people!



its important that you let it 'hang' or leave it in the fridge, as this gets all of the ammonia out of the flesh, which wouldnt taste too good!




p.s. pliers are a definate must, as the skin is SOOOO tough! ohmy.gif




hi paul biggrin.gif


i wasnt meaning that to sound mine is bigger than yours comment tongue.gif

all boats the size of container ships and ferries are big boats and any thing and i mean any thing smaller than that is in my simple to understand know nothing about boat language small/wee/little/bathtub includeing the 16 raider i was in comes under the latter categories ,so sorry if i offended you by saying small boats as i did not mean to biggrin.gif




Not offended at all. I was just mentioning that you were in a somewhat small boat as well ( as it is easy to forget how small the boat is that you are in sometimes. )


Glad you all got back OK


Nice one Daz, your gettin a few arent ya mate! Yeah i agree with Paul it was probably a small eyed ray or if was covered in little black spots then it was a spotted ray, either way its a nice fish. I always find that the smaller tides and fishing the flood is always better there. We have to get out and you guys can buddy us on a night trip congering. Lets arrange a trip next week if you fancy it, speak with Corky and if weather and tides are ok we shall get out and haul!



Posted (edited)

sounds like a decent day mate. When you get some extra cash together, try using a lighter rod for the smaller rays. A 12lb class with something like 20lb braid would be even better. Although a 30lb class rod will be ok, it is better suited to cod/ conger/ blondes, etc.


Top angling mate, well done

Edited by Gnasher

hi dommyboy biggrin.gif


are you going to the meeting this week??


ill speak to chriss and well try to get a night out together up to him hes boat owner im just deck scrubber tongue.gif


also you when you speak of fishing smaller tides and fish the flood what is this black magic you speak of??


all i know is when its high tide and when its low tide thats it lol what exactly do you mean by fish the flood?? and how do you know what and when a low tide is??

sorry to sound like a noob thats cos i am tongue.gif thx for your info and help m8 ,im loveing this ray action,the ray i pulled out that i said was a blonde was named such because my mate andre had thought it was .he worked for mj seafoods for years and knows a bit about fish .im not saying hes 100% correct but who knows who cares all i know is i caught it:) it didnt have any black spots on it and it had a blond colour running through the edge of it wings and blonde blotches/patches on it as far as i can remember





Hi mate,


Yeah it must of defo been a small eyed then mate, as per my brothers post, we hav had loads of rays from there and i dont know anyone who has had a blonde from there or even heard of a blonde from there! Mate a 5lb small eyed is better than a 5lb blonde anyway. Re tides check the following:




This is a tide chart for christchurch entrance it gives you high and low tide, and how big the tides are, fishing the flood tide is when the tide is on its way up and fishing the ebb is when the tides going out. The tides differ throughout teh month, a neap tide is a smaller tide, one where the tides doesnt go out as far and doesnt come in as far, however a spring tide are big tides where the tides come in a long way and go out a long way aswell and the tides are faster, so a small tide fishing the flood is the best time for them.......if this makes any sense at all cos im even getting confused writing this junk blink.gif !


hi gnasher biggrin.gif

my rod says 30lb on it but im not so sure you shoulda seen the bend on it with the 7lb ray on it and it didnt feel to easy for me to haul it up maybe im expecting to much as in 30lb rod should feel quite easy 12lb rod a lot harder.chriss has a 30lb rod on the boat and the end on his seems thicker than mine as well which is leading me to think maybe it is smaller than 30lb?? i really dont know like i said im just learning all this stuff as i go on and im really gratefull of you and everyones help/advice ph34r.gif


are you going to the meeting??




Posted (edited)

sounds like a good trip Daz


wouldn;t get wound up about a 30lb rod class - some are thin, some thick, some have a soft tip and other flex all the way through on the same loading. All the same class etc which is really just a line indication nowadays except for IGFA rated rods where the test curve is a function of the rating.


I look forward to reading your account of a 25lb blonde...............or 50lb conger

Edited by duncan

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