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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Heading out of Wick around 5 PM ish to fish the evening and into the night. Plan is to go for some rays to start and then some eels again hopefully.


Anyone fancy buddying up , give me a shout.




Hi Paul


I was out there last night chasing eels!

Only had 2 on the boat biggest a modest 30 no whackers by ledge standards, but did snare a monster bully, to my rod this time 12lb 8oz was the weight, photo to follow! biggrin.gif

Watch out there tonight Paul the wind whipped up from nowhere last night as the flood tide built and with wind against tide we were being slopped about all over the place and it was pretty much unfishable!!. So we came inshore to find some shelter and there wasn't a breath of wind! blink.gif

Would love to come out again tonight but its the FPO turn to go out so I'm babysitting sad.gif


Tight lines






We had same weather wise out there last night. Fished the ebb in what must have been around a F3-4 easterly. Bit lumpy but fishable. Tried XRay to start where we bagged up on doggies before going across to the ledge.


No eels or Bull Huss this time but plenty of big pout and the occasional dogfish sad.gif


Decided to come inshore ( flat calm in there but wind wasd a bit cold by now ) before the tide turned and went wind against tide.

Tried for some triggers - do they feed at night though ? before coming back through the run at low water ( no problem with the new channel ).


Back home for 3.00 AM.

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