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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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hi everyone. finally got round to entering my first post. have been mooching around on the site for a few months and finally joined the club.

i have been fishing with my dad since i was a toddler.

i bought a dory sportsman 3 yrs ago a nice boat in mill pond conditions,but not much good for fishing, finally part ex. it for arvor last october.

i moored it at xchurch on the river until xmas then the run was dodgy to get out , so went for a mooring at cobbs quay pontoon f.

does the run close up every winter or was that a one off, only being xchurch based id like to return there. seem to catch more out of xchurch. probally cos i dont know any marks out of poole.

hope to meet up with some of you on the water.




p.s i know ive put this in the wrong topic section but didnt want to delete and re-type .(took me ages to do this one)



I head in and out of Xchuch now and then.. one thing to be aware of is they lift the navigation bouys around end of October/ begin November without too much warning (no doubt the more experienced on the forum can confirm or correct this.. grateful for more info).

Can be a 'little' surprising if you not ready for it and are trying to decide which route to follow on your plotter! ohmy.gif


Charlie H.


Hi Lee,

You've joined a good club. I joined a couple of years ago, and there's a wealth of information on the Forum about boats and fishing, and everyone does seem to learn and share a lot. I personally think there is more relevant information here than in most magazines and books put together.


Poole has got some good generic marks - and if you search on the Club Only section, there is a list of local marks (with Lat/Longs) that will get you fish. Some of the chaps have small marks that can easily be fished out, so not all are shared freely, as you might imagine.


A lot of members use Poole as their base, as it can give wider options than Christchurch at times - especially in onshore winds at low tide, but there's some good marks in the harbour as well for flounder, bass, and many other species.


Hope to see you at the meetings, come along and introduce yourself! The meetings are a good chance to meet others, discuss meeting up on the water, crewing, sharing marks as "buddy boats" and uplifting your fishing safety, as well as improving catches etc.



Safety Officer


Hi Lee,


Many of us fish Christchurch all year round, but as Charlie says they will remove the buoys soon.



Must get round to deleting the old trails and refreshing the correct one.

It's much easier access than it used to be but does require attention/caution and the right conditions




As Paul says, it is much improved from previous years and is even passable on a low water neap tide. ( I came in at night on a LW tide on Friday just gone and still had 1 ft of water to spare. )


I recall last year having trouble getting out on the HW tides let alone the LW ones.

This year it will be no problem I think.


However, make sure you get the new channel in your plotter and before the channel buoys are removed yas it has moved dramatically from last year.


Hi Lee,


I fish out of Christchurch all year.......but Feb \ March can be very slow with little but dogfish on offer on inshore marks.........BUT..... the run of mild winters may herald a change as we are getting more 'unusuals' turning up all the time.


The Run \ Bar seems to change every year; whilst the red and green buoys are lifted, the commercial boats leave 3 or 4 [yellow] buoys to mark the best route. Often the whole area goes flat and featureless with no apparent route, but, over the last couple of years, a big bank has formed at the end of the Run; this turns the river 90 right and keeping a deeper 'channel' of sorts straight out to sea. I wonder how long it holds???........possibly until a surge of river floodwater combines with a storm???


Because of the short days and rougher weather, winter fishing is often a non-starter from Christchurch; Poole has some advantages for fishing [but not for lauching a trailed boat like mine] and Lymington is often a more rewarding area with a good slip.


Welcome to the best club going!




thanks everyone for your advice and comments on the run/bar.

as ive paid up till april 08 at cobbs ,with no real refund available if i take boat out before, ill have to keep steaming up to xchurch area till then.


went out on sunday with the old man and had our first catch of trigger fish, they sure do go on light gear, still snapping as your unhooking them.the best was 3.5lb with loads at 2lb+.



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