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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Andy said," no matter what the weather is doing,we are going out on Sat." So we did.Out from Cobbs toward the ledge. [new ground for us] Beautiful flat run,surprising how there is little perception of speed in these conditions.Suddenly a huge splash caught my eye,and as I watched a large black figure left the water some 100yds away,into the air with a wonderful curve and crashed into the sea with a beautiful "belly flop."An Atlantic Dolphin . We shut off and were treated to a 5 minute disply from at least 5 of them culminating in thier coming to us and playing around and under the boat.I had no idea thy were so big. We could have touched them with our boat-hook.Having seen the activity ,another nearby boat [pot boat] came across and the Dolphins left us to join him...We anchored up in the making tide some 100 yds from the closest rocks on the sounder and fished our sqid baits bact toward the ledge.The huge rolling swell was quite spectacular but not particularly comfortable..After 2 hrs and 4 dogfish.I had the best take in a long time ,My rod bucked and kicked as I played the fish that had taken my Double calamari offering. When we saw its Pale brown back and good size we grabbed the net to land our Cod. Ha ! Ha ! fooled again . We landed the biggest wrasse any of the 3 of us had ever seen.It was about 24 " long ,much pale blue on the fins and belly.and when I picked it up in a towel ,my two hands were only about 1/2 way around its middle .I didnt weigh it and as I found during our dolphin encounter,my camera battery had died of non-use.We then returned to Poole harbour where we donated our


Good to hear the dolphins are still out there - had a couple of other sightings in the last 2 months too.


Wonder if they are taking up residence in the area?


Cracking wrasse! It sounds huge!




Thanks Charlie.....Sorry we did'nt hear you,but you know what it's like ,What with the rain pouring down; Radio 2 going strong; the heating at full blast; and the hood of your flotation suit up...Such suffering ! ! ! biggrin.gif jack

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