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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Andy and I set out on Sat.on a very pleasent Flat sea at 08.30.And that was the best part of the day,other than meeting Charlie afloat in his new Craft.

It blew and it splashed. The tide screamed in the harbour all day. And there was no tide out to sea.I am covered in bruises.I spilled my tea twice. We ran out of gas for the kettle. We used up lots of lovely bait and touched nothing.And that was all before lunchtime.I was actually glad to give it best.and thats a first !. sad.gif

Can't wait to get out again....jack


Hi Jack


Well we wanted to test the boat in a bit more weather and can now say we have done that


we set off late for the banks with the first rods onboard, before we got there I decided to alter course for Southbourne and was pleased to be able to cruise through the weather at 20 knots


We anchored for a bit and had the first fish on Alfresco [a bait sized pout] but we were in danger of not getting a cooked lunch [Wendy wanted to test the oven] and decided to try the harbour


In that weather I was pleased with the boats ability to handle the sea although we had slowed to 12 knots


It will be nice to see you out there agian on a better day




glad to hear you are running Charlie!


I swapped the props for the pair I aquired last week, and with another monor adjustment I am happy that the boat is usable in this configuration.


I am unhappy that I have lost a few knots at the top end because I can see you and AWOL beating me to the odd mark next year - but all things considered I hope I can draw a line under this.


Mardon were superb in resolving the claim and financials - strong recomendation.


Glad to hear that you are sorted Duncan


Does that mean you are coming down next weekend?


I am so rusty at the fishing bit that I may have to pick a few brains for ideas this week




Hi Duncan


So is mine and it was launched to be ready for the comp


I too am not that good at targeting flounders


But looking at the weather forecast itr may well be a harbour day weep.gifweep.gif


I am keeping everything crossed that the forecast changes


Charlie biggrin.gif


see what you mean!


however it look like there may be timing opportnuities and it's consistently forecast from the West so we can get out fine - especially with the lack of tide - and play true 'inshore fishing'!


we have more success with Inshore fishing, than we do in harbour fishing


So everything will remain crossed


heres a shot of wndy back in harbour testing the oven





Spooky Charlie. Your Tackle box and cold box are identical to the ones I have.

( Apart from the fact they don't fill up 1/2 the back of your boat ! )


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