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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Today getting the boat out and away went to plan! and we were first boat out on the mark.

It was a long wait for our first bite and its sods law I hooked a monster (or it felt like it) on my whiting rod and after a brief fight it bit through my 30 lb trace. Then another long wait until almost last knockings when we had a brief flurry, first up a 19lb 6oz cod to me biggrin.gif followed by a 7lb cod to my crew, followed by a modest conger! It was then a high speed dash across the bay to get in the run by 3.30.


again we only got camcorder footage(Almost got a DVD now!) and a film camera, so got some pics in the back yard on a digital camera ill post soon before I get the others developed.


there certainly some cod out there this year!




Definitely some cod out there. Tom called in with his 21lb one as well. plus 10lb and 6lb cod for his crew.


( He was amazed that I already knew about them - word gets around quickly ph34r.gif )


Well done James,


my two cod [ling] were small but liiked good in the box, together a whiting and some 'jumbo' pout [ good eating too].


best specimen today was a 'monster' conger [huge wide head and thick body]; estimated over 40 lbs .......but it wasn't coming on board and my scales top-out at 30!..........released at side of boat with a hook left in it, it gave an almighty splash and flourish of its tail on the surface 25m downtide! [made the gulls jump!!]


Great day to be out.........shame I couldn't stay beyond 1.30!





thanks for today i also had a great day, not to many fish for me (2 Doggies) but great all the same. And i look forward to doing it again sometime.


One thing though, when you said "but it wasn't coming on board and my scales top-out at 30!.........."


I am actually sure you said "that thing isn't getting on my boat" biggrin.gif It was a big lad though.


and i have now watched a pair of Cod caught, not as good as catching my own but great to see some caught,.


I had to laugh when i got home when even after a good clubbing the doggie in the bag had a wriggle when my daughter poked it and asked if I was sure it was dead. It wriggled just as i said "of course its dead so she will never trust me again"


Thanks again.




James, thats a hell of a result mate, i cant believe how many are being caught!


Its always the way, our trailors screwed (yes we need a new one), and the fish are being caught all over the place. Oh well, well done to all who are fishing and catching and hopefully the crew of Dat Dam Boat will be joining in the hauling again soon!


Until then......HAPPY CODDING you lucky people!



Dom.........in the interim.........you are more than welcome to come and repeat your previous success on 'Gastronaught'.


Next outing?????......as soon as weather eases next week.......Tues. or Weds.??




Alun, thank you for the offer, one that i will definately take you up on at the earliest opportunity. Maybe a sicky or 2 form work in the next week or so.


I really gotta get on the water soon or ill go insane!


Keep me posted as to when your out and about next and ill try and join you. Youve got my number so call me to arrange.





If i could publicly thank you for my most enjoyable trip on 'Gastronaught' and let you know those Pout simply deep fried in batter last night for tea were superb, didnt like the doggy though so they are safe in future.


Although it wasnt wasted my red setter loved it.

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