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Hi Dogger


If you are having a bit of a problem with the old Sea Sickness. there are several things to try


Best advice I can offer is try to avoid over tiredness or hangovers also try and keep from getting to cold when you are on the boat


The best thing that worked for my son Dan was ginger, regular munching on Ginger nut biscuits seemed to work a treat. and the purchase of hotboots to stop him feeling the cold also seemed to help.


Not sure what the ginger tastes like on the way up wink.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


In actual fact the best cure for sea sickness, (forget about the fancy pills from Boot's etc) is to get hold of tablets prescribed to women sufferring from morning sickness in pregnancy.


One of my mates used to be tuna handliner fisherman in South Africa, he was prescribed all sorts of sea sickness and motion sickness remedies and eventually his doctor prescribed morning sickness tablets for him, he took one the evening before and one in the morning prior to a trip and within 3 months he was able to dispense with the evening dose.


He no longer suffers from sea sickness, so if tablets that are produced to de senstive the balance in the inner ear (used for nearly all motion sickness) I suggest you get one of these morning sickness remedies.


I do belive you can get them over the counter without being prescribed, which is probably just as well


I think that brand is\was marketed umder the name ' Avomine'.


They work OK, but no better than others, and do make you a bit drowsy.


I used to suffer badly; my 'cure' was getting a boat and going out as often as poss. In your own boat you don't suffer; you turn around and come back if you feel rough!




Then there is the ancient Arabic cure, hidden for centuries by wise men and mystics, hidden from the West through the onset of the Roman Empire, the following Dark Ages and even during the Crusades......






















Go and sit under a palm tree !



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