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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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George and I bumped into Charlie, Sam and Daniel at the Flounder and Cod Open, and were asked if we might like a trip out on Alfresco! It was an easy decision for us, and arrangements were finalised later.


We met Charlie and Daniel at Parkstone at 8 a.m., and trundled slowly out to the chain ferry on a very calm flat sea. Charlie opened it up for us briefly, showing us what she could do reaching 31 knots before throttling back to a "sedate" 20 knots - what a machine! Then we went to a wreck out towards the Needles, and anchored for conger, with a couple of moves to allow for the changing tide.


What a cracking morning! Ten good eels came in and all returned, with the biggest about 22lb, 3 each to the resident experts, including the best fish, as we expected! George beat his previous best conger twice, getting an 18lb eel as his new PB, and I had a lovely pout of nearly 2lb, having dropped a couple of eels through leaning into them too soon. Charlie was good enough to wait for me to get one of 10lb (but it was an eel!), before we moved to another mark in the afternoon back toward Old Harry, where we had hopes of big whiting, conger and even a cod - following catches during the previous day's comp.


After a while, the whiting found our baits, and came in best on mackerel, rather than squid. We all had fish, with a good average size of 1.5 to 2lb, and the odd small pout. A couple of doggies joined us, then Daniel lost a good fish which seemd to nod more than the earlier eels. Shame, as it was putting up a real scrap.


I was having great fun on my trusty Ugly Stik spinning rod with mackerel strip on a 3/0 with the whiting, when suddenly something a bit more substantial took a fancy to my bait. After long powerful runs, and lots of head shaking, I was convinced I was into a good cod, the rod was doubled over, and whenever the fish moved, I had no choice but to let it take as much line as it needed. It moved uptide for a while, thumping steadily as it went, and I was wondering about blonde ray, and after about 10 minutes, I started to get some line on the reel. I was doing ok until it decided to move off steadily towards France, with me having little chance of stopping it on the light gear. I did the drag up as far as I dared on the Ambassadeur 7000, and managed to slow it, eventually getting some line back, and spent another 5-10 minutes getting it up to the surface, where I realised it ws the best eel of the day! Charlie couldn't get it into his oversize net, despite a few attempts, and the eel decided it had had enough of being tickled and daylight, and went down again. I felt really grateful for the chance of bringing it back up again, but this time it was boated! It went 40lb exactly, and gave me my best conger since 1982.


After a few more whiting, we upped anchor, and headed back in, using the electronics to check out a few marks on the way back in.


A brilliant trip, which we both thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks again Charlie and Daniel for inviting us out.


Mike and George




You are both very wellcome and Thanks for doing the sea check on the boat when we got back in.


George looked so sad at the Mariner that he had missed the comp on Sunday, especially when everyone was reporting lots of Conger. It seemed a good oportunity to use the good weather to offer him a conger trip that we had discussed during the boats build.


It was a shame that the shingle dredger was so close to the intended wreck but I think we had 10 small eels of the substitute, and we had a very nice one for rough ground later.


I have been busy since getting home with New Years celibrations and a trip down to clean the boat, but I will try and add a couple of photo's later.


Mike if you PM me your email address I will send them over


Happy New Year




Sounded like you had a great day


We were probably just infront of you coming back in from the Needles up the east looe channel - I thought better of trying to increase the revs more because of all the floating timber we'd seen in the water that day, and the pots over poole patch...


We had opted for fishing on the end of the ledge from the off, and I'd managed two bite offs from congers, before landing a 20lber, but not on the Conger tackle and carefully prepared rig (typical !)

The rest of the day was a mixture of Doggies, and jumbo pout, with a few whiting of a lb, but many much smaller and stuffed full of sprats.


Was very pleased everything worked well on the boat, a good day out....






Hi Paul


we saw you coming into the Haven but by the time the clean up and Sea Check were completed you had beaten us to the cars.


As you say we had a good day catching some of the target species and will never know what Dan lost.


The rough Plan of Congers early then whiting for the table seemed to work. biggrin.gif


There seem to be plenty of fish when the weather allows and its great to be getting out there again


Happy New year

Charlie biggrin.gif


"Hope you have a good pan....." you must be joking??


I've just finished sorting mine, cleaned and skin removed (I was advised to do this by nailing the fish to a fence post and pulling the skin down sharply)


Neighbours must have wondered what it looked like laugh.gifblink.gifunsure.gif


Then, using a strong knife, and a hammer to cut through the bone, sliced deftly into 2" steaks, washed off, dried on kitchen paper, and carefully bagged up for the freezer.


One small piece, nearest the head, looked a bit untidy, so waste not want not, straight into a shallow dish, seasoning, a sprinkle of white wine, some herbs, and into the oven @ 200 deg for 15-20 mins.


Straight out onto the plate, first time I've tasted conger, cant wait - mmm... ahhhh!


sick.gifsick.gif the worst most palid, soft, stringy, odd flesh I've tasted yet. Straight into the bin, ontop of the uncooked head and tail. And after all that effort...


Still, I have a work colleague who 'cant get enough of it' apparently... so he's in for a few pieces, and the rest, will await a proper recipe - Help!!






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