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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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They are quite impressive when charging about


Not so good in a force 11 in the Falklands though, when the engines struggle because of water in the fuel. and the beer gets spilt.


and you would not like the fuel bill.

From memory about 4 tons per hour, thats about 4500 ltrs or very roughly 150 ltrs per mile.


Bit more than an Offshore Pro Charter at the same speed.


Charlie biggrin.gif




Wow Charlie!


Still, I guess if you divide 150 litres/mile by (say) 300 regular crew, you're doing a much better mileage rate per person than some of the club boats!





Sam, I have done the Fishing bit many times in some interesting places.


But although in charge of the power, from the Machinery Control Room I have never had a drive.



Mike an interesting break down 0.5 ltr per mile per head


Two man boat at 1 ltr/mile

or 25 miles per 25l fuel tank.

I believe that is close to what some of our trailer boats use at 50/60 ltrs to the RIPs and Back


and thats without Air Conditioning, Prepared Meals, Beer. and an F~~~~~g big gun to keep the french trawlers away laugh.gifwink.gif


Charlie laugh.gif




On the subject of fuel consumtion, my mate Darren who was a trainee skipper and worked on the QE2 for about 2 years told me the other day that the QE2 burns about a gallon of fuel per foot travelled....or something similar ohmy.gif !


Now that is burning fuel!





Charlie, I was informed it was 6.5 tons per hour when running on the Olly's a full blast.


The Tynes are supposed to be much more efficient for cruising.


BTW I did have a chance of steering it! Not as responsive as JoJo!!


I also got to sit in the Navigator seat in the Lynx, took control when in forward motion, I guess you have to practice before hovering! Seriously fun when going vertical then free falling back on it's self, got that weightless feeling for a bit - amazing!


Got some great video of our flyby's at full wack. Must have passed the ship a dozen times during our trip, it was the last one of the day and the pilot gave it some! My brother-in-law asked him to try and make me sick - not a chance!




Hi Rob


Its been 23 years since I left the Nottingham so I may have forgotten what two Ollys at Full Power burn. But 4 tons an hr was what I remembered.


Your Brother in Law must have some clout, is he the skipper?


Or the RN has changed a bit ph34r.gif


Blimey Dom

A Gallon per foot thats 5280 gallons per mile, or at 20 knots 105600 gallons per hr

I think its about 264 gallons per ton [Memory again may be wrong]

Thats 400 tons per hour

100 times more than a type 42 destroyer


OUCH no wonder the cruises are dear


I better show Wendy It will make the Volvo D4260 look frugal biggrin.gif






According to the web, each Saturn V rocket engine used 3 tons per second, that's 15,000-20,000 ltrs per second for all 5 engines!!


No wonder there's a hole in the ozone layer. blink.gif


Another interesting figure I heard on the radio ( and confirmed by looking it up ) is that Heathrow Airport uses 20 million litres of kerosene per day.



I wonder if i could fish off the back of it laugh.giflaugh.gif or better drive it tongue.gif


sam biggrin.gif

if you do fish of the back of it mind and not come near poole waters cos im sure thats over 12m tongue.gif

dont want to break the law now do we............ ph34r.gif


Hi Rob


What a coincidence thats what I was on my trip to the Falklands after the conflict on HMS Nottingham.


I was made Chief while away.


The RN must be short of Matelots now, if they take civvies on to bring the ship back from Gib laugh.giflaugh.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif

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