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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After the bass on friday I was egar to get out on sat, I was on BW with adam and les and bob followed us out on manatee.

We decided to head out into deep water for the ebb and fished about 3 miles south of the needles in 100 ft of water with the hope of a blonde ray.

No blondes but adam managed a 32lb conger and lost a good one to, bob snared his first tope and a small spotted ray and I struggled with only a few lsds and small tope.

we then headed on to the ledge for the evening but the beasts kept hidden no more bass or congers for me, but loads of bream again though with my 2nd fish going 2lb 12oz and adams 3rd going 3lb 1 0z they were a good size we must of bagged a good 40 or so.But It was adams day this time he had a nice cuckoo wrasse and anouther 30lb conger.

I struggled sunday to, I was back on tara and after not much joy on "xray" I ended up on the dolphin bank and just couldnt get through the small tope, they were worse than doggys!!

Thanks to all that organised the comp I thouroughly enjoyed myself and It was good to chat to everyone after the comp




Hi colin

ive sent you a pm, There were loads of macky out there I was even getting them on the bare hooks while reeling in after the tope had stripped the hooks clean! wink.gif


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