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" When the wind is in the East,the fish bite least "


Or do they ??


How do'es the East wind affect fishing in club waters,other than the obvious fact that sea conditions are likely to be lumpier ?


Personally I have never found it to make much difference,but then everyone knows my fish catching reputation,regardless of wind direction.

Comment or Observation invited..... dry.gif jack [about the wind,not my fishing ]



Hi Jack


I have always found fishing harder when the wind has East in it, this has been the same on the East coast and down here on the South coast.


Then again it could just be me! ohmy.gif





I understand from research done some years ago that even trawlers have this adage as recordable trawl catches were/are lower in periods of constant Easterly winds, although no scientific explanation was given apart from this......

An easterly wind over the UK indicates certain patterns of low fronts/depressions are prevalent. It is a known fact that certain pressure levels bring fish onto feed/movement such as; Plaice definitely don't feed well with air pressure below 30" and not at all below 28", but give them a good high of 31"+ and they feed readily.

I now guarantee that some bright spark will claim a record catch of plaice during the deepest depression over the UK in recorded history. But then that is the nature of such individuals laugh.gif


Mad Mike




I always found the adage true when fishing the Bristol Channel in my youth.

In fact there was a likelyhood of zero bites let alone fish on the day. wink.gif


On the occassions when I have tried fishing easterlies from Poole over the last couple of years I have had similar experiences and I 'm sure its not all due to my rusty angling skills. cool.gif


I would have to be persuaded to go out in an easterly nowadays.. sick.gif


Mind you it could all change if sufficient members posted decent catch reports in easterlies smile.gifsmile.gif


Perhaps wind direction should be included as a matter of course in the catch reports and we could analyse the results at the end of the year. huh.gif




interesting to think that correlation is so deep! if only there was some formula for success!


so we need a high pressure system, non-easterly winds, hot weather, consistently flat sea state, and low levels of marine pollution



Result : not in the UK! lmao




Not sure about the actual differance to the catch rates in an Easterly


But I do know that it makes hell of a differance to the sea state


The other week we fished comfortably in a westerly and 20 knots, but last weekend we had to turn about at Old harry and head home in about 12 knots from the east.


I am sure that if the wind had been slightly less and we had anchored in last weeks easterly, we would have struggled to catch on an uncomfortable day.





i thought that it is to do with atmospheric pressure easterlies generaly accompany high pressure and pressure variances are magnifyed underwater another opinion is that easterlies blow colder northsea water down the channel !!!!!!!!

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