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If boaters go afloat over Easter, they are in for a shock if they motor out through Mudeford. A big island of gravel has 'grown' and restricts the Run into a very narrow channel at the end of the Quay!........right by the end groyne.


This gravel island\bank is well proud at HW and to someone coming down the Run looks like the big bar that was there last year and might tempt the uninformed to turn right [and end up on the shallow gravel!]


I'll have to go and have a look at LW. The channel has not been buoyed for the summer yet and just has the two yellow buoys...you wont see these until you clear the big mound!




PS. this Gordon quite a shock yesterday.......he asked if they dredge it out??


I don't think they do.


might tempt the uninformed to turn right [and end up on the shallow gravel!]


Saw this happen last week while i was shore fishing, they got out ok (after reversing out of trouble) but from the noise i heard it was with a different shaped Prop




Just been back to get a look at LW spring.


As Paul's photo shows, the buoys have been laid showing a much easier route out; the flow splits near the first green buoy, about half the water spills straight out and other half goes along the quay.


What you don't see in Paul's photo [ 'cause it was HW] is what's at the end of the new-laid buoys. At LW you see the waves breaking on the shallow water if you continued going straight.


SO.......... if you go out from Mudeford in the bottom half of the tide........prepare to go EAST at the end of the buoyed 'channel', round the yellow buoy and continue SE until you go over the Bar.


On Tuesday.....when we crept out in the shallower water in the old channel, we saw one of the fishing boats going in slowly along this new route [ about 2 hrs before LW.].


Amazing how that place changes shape every year!




Hi Al.



Saw that Bream well done mate, i think you have started the goldrush, or will have as soon as the weather allows.


I suspect the new route will be less reliable and more prone to move throughout the season. We shall see, be careful everyone






I don't know about 'Goldrush'??.......but there seem to be a few about; I saw some on the fishmongers' slab in both Poole and Mudeford.


I can't see when the weather might break........but being northerly, you could creep out a little way if you were desperate!.......but it's so cold in the windchill, it's not tempting me [ yet!]!


But, I have got worms.....and waiting to go.



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