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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The family holiday is in Jersey this year (enjoyed it so much last year! laugh.gif )

One thing we'd all like to try is a spot of shore fishing.


Bit of a long-shot perhaps, but does anyone have any experience of, or tips for, fishing from or near the slipway at St Ouens please?


And before some smart-arse (yes, I'm thinking of you Rob) asks, the answer is no, we're not going over in Star Turn with the new outboard!



I know the area to the South of Jersey fairly well, and there's fairly untapped fishing all over down there. You might like to take light-ish spinning gear for the following?


Sliding Float: Garfish (hunt in packs), Mackerel, and Scad on fish baits, Grey Mullet on Bread, Pollack/Wrasse/Bass on live prawn, Bass/Mackerel on livebait - if the garfish leave you alone.


Bottom: Black bream on fish, worm, and scallop frills (tackle shops/restaurants sell them!), lunking big wrasse on crab/worm. Peelers might get a bass or two. Chance of red bream too. Pick your spot, and little need for long distance.


Spinning: Bass, mackerel and pollack on lures, and soft artificials.


Look for deep water, drop-offs, or edges of rocky spots, and anywhere there is a "feature". Remember being an island, that there should always be shelter from the wind on the "other" side.


Lots to think about, but biggest shock will be the tidal range. Almost 40' on Springs, so take a bucket on walks to low water marks for wet rock rolling and foraging. Plenty of small fish (maybe 10 species?), peeler, soft back and hardback crabs, prawns - all useful if tackle shops closed. Always a chance of something for the pot too, including oysters, edible crabs and lobsters. Beaches have shellfish such as clams and razers near low tide marks, and lugworm casts, if a red plastic spade (or garden fork from home) is handy!


Hope you have a great time!




There are so many places to choose from all around the island just be careful that the large rise and fall doesn't cut you off from shore.


The tides there have a nasty habit of creeping up behind you very quickly.


I was over there on Holiday with the missus about 3 years ago but didnt take any tackle with me.

I opted for a boat charter for a day and I had a good day out with this guy




Just in case you feel the need rolleyes.gif




Thanks guys.


If anyone has any particular particular tips for St Ouen's Bay (we are staying right by the slipway) that would be most useful, as with it being a family holiday, the fishing time is likely to be after the everything-else time!


Having said that, I'll leave the rods in the car all the time, just in case we happen to be somewhere just when the tide is right! wink.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Do you recall which one Dave?

There are 2 that I know of, 1 in the fish market (which I've been to) and one in Green Street (that I haven't been to!)

The tackle shop at St Ouen Motor Works was a bit run down when I was there last, but it might have just been a bit too early in the season...


  • 1 month later...



There were a couple of tackle shops in St Helier


One in the town and the other just around the coast to the west, both used to be very keen to promote the angling on the Island and a good source of general info.


You can not get ragworm on the island but if you take some over the fish love them wink.gif


Have a nice holiday


Charlie biggrin.gif



  • 5 years later...

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