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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Dusted of the rods and boat an managed to get out for my first fishing trip since the cod! don't think Ive missed much tho tongue.gif


Headed out in what was a slightly rougher sea than anticipated, for a go for the bream, got out late about 11 and was soon joined by PJ on marine boy. The fishing started with a few wrasse and pout and then first bright blue bream of the season was sat bristling in the net, a shade under 3lb biggrin.gif

Then after being slopped about for a biteless slack we upped sticks and changed tactics and had a quick drift for an early Bass, second drift , my bait was slammed buy a beautiful conditioned 4lb Bass biggrin.gif Then a quick dash to beat the tide up a slightly different looking channel up the run!

A great start to the season, I just hope I can doge growing commitments and get out a bit more.


Tight lines




Good to see a report from the [presumed lost!! ??] fishcatcher James.


Well done on squeaking a couple out ...... seems to match my experience so far this Spring ........ of just one or two bream per session !


All change soon ....... we hope ?? ......... now it's getting a bit less cold.


Have a good weekend everyone,



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