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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I had the great pleasure of joining Rob Thompson on Shogun a few weeks ago to have an early crack at the plaice.


A very dark start required with this one for the long cruise out to Selsey Bill. However, with the fridge stuffed to the top with homemade sausage and fresh bacon we were fully entertained and occupied every moment.


On arrival we could see that our work was cut out. The water was a little murky to say the least and with the light threatening to hide behind each passing cloud, this wouldn't be easy. But as Rupert quite rightly pointed out, someone has to be the first to crack it ........... let it be us. To start the day Rob gave us a drift or two which produced the first spotty to young Master Morrall to show us how it's done, a fitting and encouraging start.

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With another spotty or two on board conditions dictated we'd probably do better anchored and let the passing plaice sniff out the baits.

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The change of tactics gave us the opportunity to fish multiple baits and increase our chances. We enjoyed a variety of sport all day with rays, smoothhounds, bream, wrasse and dabs all punctuated with the odd plaice as a just reward for the effort.

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Most of the plaice were a little thin, a sign that the season was not quite underway, but by now (two weeks on) there will have been a great improvement.

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and a nice one for the Skipper

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Swiftly followed by the bonus fish of the day to Rob......a Sole thumping the scales down to 2.5lbs

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A big thanks to the Fitzpatrick crew for having me along and Rup for getting me a slot, and of coarse, thanks to Rob for a cracking day's entertainment.


Anyone fancy a go............... I feel another trip coming on.



Edited by Wedger



If you'd like some company, I'd love to join you on a Shogun plaice trip.


If you can find a 'slot', I'll join you just about anytime.... and I'll bring the worms!




Trev, if you or anyone else fancies a mid-channel wrecking trip for pollock on Shogun, two of us are booked for Thursday 22nd May and I understand there are places available. Give me a shout and I'll make arrangements.



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