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I am in need of a new antenna for my radio. I wanted to move the existing one to the other side of the boat but, like a prat, I previously cut the coaxial cable and it won't reach that far. Neither can I dismantle it to fit a new cable and don't want to put a join in as this will degrade the signal. It will need to be a base plate mounting as it will have to fit onto a plate on the rail and also be able to pivot to the horizontal for travelling.


What is a good make and where can I get one? The previous one came from Piplers but was pretty basic. I am considering coming down for the meeting on Thursday so could purchase one then.




Another small problem. My GPS NMEA connector interface has twin cables whereas the icom radio has a small coaxial variety. Can I just twist up the sheathing wire on the coax and use it as a normal wire or do I need an adaptor of some variety?


Why can't anything be easy? Wouldn't it make sense if all these things were standardised?




Hi Terry,


I have recently replaced the antenna on my Warrior 165 'A' frame - I sent for this one from Marine Megastore and it fitted perfectly on the drilled horizontal plate on the 'A' frame. Quality is good and it rotates easily to the horizontal (which is what I forgot to do with the last one!) plus plenty of coax and a good connector. You will need to borrow a soldering iron though - I have one near Faringdon.




There is 10% off your first order too!


All the best,




Thanks for that one, Harry, I may well go that way as it should be here fairly quickly.


Haven't you sold your Warrior?






Regarding connecting to the coax on the ICOM. Your suggestion is exactly the way I did it. The -ve / earth connected to the sheath and the +ve / signal connected to the inner.


Works for me.



Hi Terry,


Glad to be of help - the delivery from Marine Megastore was very quick. Yes, I still have the boat - can't get myself to part with it just yet. I have also renewed my membership. Hoping for some better opportunities this summer to build up my local knowledge and confidence. Let me know when you are passing and we could start a Warrior convoy!


All the best,



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