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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Slow day on Marineboy


Just a few bream and a small Bass


Best bream went about 3 1/2 except i forgot to weigh it before releasing it so i doesn't count



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Oops Paul!


Means I claim the lead with a 1lb 11oz doggie!!!


Caught off a bank South of Bournemouth Pier, together with a feisty little tope of about 2lb (not weighed, but quickly returned) on a whole frozen mackerel fillet, some tiny bream, , an even tinier pout to George (he claims 2"...but I thought that a bit generous...definitely too small to weigh!!).


Yet again we struggled!




Enjoy the monent Mike but it isn't going to last long smile.gif


Two rays to me today. 10lb 8 oz Thornback and 8lb 4 oz Small Eyed Ray.


Thought I was doing well until Dan was seen to haul in a very nice thornback ray which was a PB for him. I will announce the size when other results are in.


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Bill and I on Lady C managed to get Bass and Bull Huss


Bill's Bass went 5lb 8oz and went back live biggrin.gif


Mine was a 4lb 14oz Bull Huss


Both Bill and I had never caught Bull Huss before and we both managed to pull some in. smile.gif


We also hit some mackerel but the majority were not very big, great for live bait for Bass however! wink.gif







Had a good day with a huss of 10lbs- my first for several years, a 3lbs 12oz bream and an undulate of 12lbs. Thought it was a species comp! Also had pout, dogs, mackerel, 3 spotted rays and a smoothie. My crew spent most of the day watching!




You and me both Pete. I will call it a senior moment, just about sums up my day. No fuel at Corralls so ran on low all day with 10lts spare wich was needed. chased around inshore for species, so best fish to report was weighed 3lb 2oz Bass to Aaron which was returned and zero for me. Try again next week with fuel. weep.gifweep.gif


prodigy did resonabley well today chester kocak had a cuckoo wrasse of 1lb 14oz gary austin a conger of 56lb and pete jr a conger of 50lb these being the best of the 15 eels 5 bream 4 cod 1 ling 1 wrasse and numerous pout to jump on our hooks today


Slow day on Alfresco


We went to the eastern edge of Club waters again but this time South of the Island


The day started well with nice weather and mackeral in abundance and then a few fish at anchor.


But from there it went downhill


we had congers huss bass tope pout etc but the wished for large tope have gone for the moment and the eels were small


best fish

Gordon Bass 6lb 4

Neal Huss 7lb 14

Dan Undulate 11lb 8

Me Conger too damn small to weigh


Well done those that found better fish, It sounds like a few are about

we will try harder next time LOL wink.gif





Posted (edited)

We agreed to meet at my dads at 7.30am, but it seemed to go wrong when he wouldn't get outa bed, and we ended up heading out about 9am with my cousen James and his missus Mel, both who had never been boat fishing before, and my dad, who only got out of hospital 4 days ago after a long stint in due to a heart attack and some surgery was always going to be tough, but all in all, a pretty fun day, although mel spent most of it sea sick, whilst my dad slept in the cuddy most of thr trip. With the cramped space, we all stuck to a single rod, and to be honest, i didn't really have my fishing head on as i was just hoping to put the rest on a few fish.


Anyway, maccy a plenty to all, before a quick blast to xray for rays. It's pretty hard going, with small a couple of tope comming to my dad before the dogs arrived. a dozen dogs later, and i land a pb thornie of 14.10 followed by a 9lb smalleyed to james.


A quick chat to paul d on Neo and corky and daz (?) on stargazer before i head in.


Thanks fr boat pics paul, it looks like im going to take off laugh.gif


James is a dedicated carp angler, and between us we took some footage of weighing fish at sea and how to get an accurate reading(ish), and another of the fight, i'l see if i can get him to email me them and i'l post on the video section.


Well done to those who fared better than me today, but it was good to see plenty of boats out today biggrin.gif



Edited by Gnasher

Hydeaway hid out on the Rips.........after a stopover on a wreck en route.


We all had a few cod on the former [ too small to count in a specimen comp! ... and plenty that went back] .... and a pollack each on the latter......... best went 10 lbs. 12 oz. to me .... but that won't win any prize!


Thanks Mike for the trip.....I was just glad we put you on a few fish and all had a good day. A couple of pics to follow , tomorrow ..... when less tired.




One Late report to add. Go on have a good laugh laugh.gif


How a day went from bad to worse sad.gif


Left fishing tackle box at home ! turned around and drove back 30miles to pick up box. sad.gif


Eventually got out around 12.30 dry.gif


Had a small bass(returned) and small mackeral all on first drift. biggrin.gif

Bass was on shad ,

mackeral on squid


Thought I was in for a great day biggrin.gif

Decided to anchor uptide of spot wink.gif


Not a good decision as Achor Yanka came unclipped and buoy floated away with tide. blink.gif


My fears of not being able to lift Manson Supreme anchor came to fruition it was solid. mad.gif


Made wrong decision and should have dumped anchor with buoy but Stupidity took over and tried to power out anchor without buoy. weep.gif



Anchor rope wrapped around prop mad.gifmad.gif


Had to loosen warp to lift outboard and cut anchor rope!!!


Bye Bye Anchor and chain and about 30ft of warp weep.gif



Managed to free remaining rope around prop using knife taped to boat hook rolleyes.gif


Saw Anchor Buoy in distance and managed to retrieve biggrin.gif


Decided I 'd had enough for one day and returned to Berth cool.gifcool.gif


Returned in time to see Marcel2 return from trip


Note to self No.1 Make sure the Anka Yanka doesn't unclip itself on the cleat next time or alternatively change it for a carabine style link.


Note to self No.2 If you do go for one of these extra high holding capacity anchors and you loose the lifting buoy make sure you dump the warp over the side with a big enough buoy on the end so that when you do recover your lifting bouy you can get your anchor back.


Alternatively buy a


Gordon and I had a good day out on Fugazi. The morning sunshine and flat sea on the way out from Christchurch was most welcome and everything felt just right. That was, unfortunately, until we tried to catch some mackerel. My God, but it was hard work to get 10 to go and try for Mr. Bass!


Off to the Ledge and down to work. Gordon has a large, deep, rectangular bait tank and it was at this point he discovered he'd left the catching net behind. Trying to catch one mackerel out of 10 was not too difficult, it just meant a wet sleeve (yes, I did roll it up; I did say it was deep). When it's gone down to 2 or 3, now that took patience.


On the ebbing tide we managed 5 decent bass, the smaller ones around the 3lb mark and I had two larger ones at 5lb 14oz and 6lb 3oz. Gordon is convinced that his boat makes a lot of noise from water slapping on the hull and this makes catching fish close by impossible. Well, at one stage I had 3 bass on two rods within 2 or 3 minutes. I hooked a large,ish one, reeled in my other line and left it dangling about 18ins down beside the boat to keep the bait alive, landed my fish and as the mackerel was still frisky (adrenalin?) cast it back out before dealing with the catch. Immediately it was taken by a fish and, as I was reeling this in, another one took the bait hanging beside the boat. Talk about a purple patch! Although the last one was lost, it was hectic while it lasted.


The change of tide put the drift rate up to an unacceptable speed so we retreated to top up the mackerel stock. Still unbearably patchy with only another 6 being added to the tank. Although trying various other tactics and a few more drifts when the tide moderated, nothing more was caught. However, we both agreed we'd had a good day.


Thanks for the good company, Gordon, and not to mention the fat boy brunch ( I said don't mention it!) which was an unexpected bonus. Leftover cheese sandwiches for lunch today.


Now, if this weather can improve a bit, I'll be back down soon.





With a bass take at the side of the boat - maybe the hull noise is nothing to worry about!


Well done.




yeah gnasher that was me onboard stargazer with ph34r.gif corky ,

we had a so so day not the best and not the worst,i got my first ever tope only a baby of about 5lbs ,still i was chuffed yet another first on the stargazer for the dazman ph34r.gif they are strong little devils wouldnt like to try and handle a 20lber thats for sure biggrin.gif

corky got a nice sized thorny but it snapped the line just as it got the side of the boat,we also tried a few drifst on dolphin banks but drew a blank so back of to ray mark ,you certainly have a nack of getting nice sized fish on board yours must get out 1 time with ya


FISH ON ph34r.gif




Thanks Charlie and Dan for the day out on Alfresco - she's a beauty, you must be really proud - and so you should be.


Thanks Gordon for the Bacon and Egg butties - just the thing for the diet I am supposed to be on!


It's a real shame that the tope had gone!


Thanks for not mentioning the one that got away...............


Small bite - lifted into it and rod immediately bent double.... heaving the "monster from the deep" inches at at time - it shook it's head, it kept diving back to the bottom - gaining a few inches of line, only to see it disappear back back off the reel. Inch by inch it came towards the boat.... diving left then right..... Gordon wiping the sweat from my brow (with the mackeral towel - nice touch!! )


Arms burning, back aching - thank god for the butt pad - should have brought the harness. Charlie where's the fighting chair??? Wishing now we weren't fishing in 260ft of water


What seems like hours later the leader knot appears - can't see colour yet - must be a big ray of some sort - foul hooked? - line wrapped round it's tail? - perhaps a monster eel - questions asked by all.


Need help - can't pass the rod over, need to keep going, it's a specimen competition a certain winner - all agree.


Everyone peering into the gloomy depths ...... what's it going to be? how much will it weigh!


At last it appears on the surface...................the trace is touched it's mine


Competition over, a certain winner............












Yes indeed - the biggest bloody rock you ever did see ............



Once aboard it was tenderly unhooked and sent plummeting back to the depths to live and fight another day



As one everyone (very kindly) turned their backs and sniggered, I sank into a heap of jelly in the corner muttering expletives.


B*ll*ks to this fishing lark - it was much easier when I used to fish for "fun"
















Picture attempt 1.


This should be a picture of a bass I cleaned and fillited today. It shows a rock solid distended gut with a very hard lump near the vent. Being easily fascinated, I had to open it up and investigate.





Posted (edited)

Hoorah! Back in picture business.


Having opened the stomach, I discovered a red gurnard and a hard backed edible crab. This was the hard lump by the vent. How do I know it was a red gurnard? Because it's tail was still protruding from the bass's throat! What it was going to do with my mackerel, I don't know, there was no room for anything else.




Edited by plaicemat

Nice pics. .....but not for the squeemish !! ....... you wouldn't find this in Sea Angler!


More evidence for my theory re. potting boats PJ.

Nice pics. .....but not for the squeemish !! ....... you wouldn't find this in Sea Angler!


More evidence for my theory re. potting boats PJ.




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