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Hi guys im thinking of coming down for a weekend fishing trip towards the end of september and wondered if anyone can give me any advice on who to go with and where to go. Was looking at maybe Flamer or Duchess maybe for bass and skate fishing






Hi Paul,


I've been out 3 times with Jeff Clark on Dutchess. Not the prettiest or fastest boat afloat that's for sure, but (like Colin) Jeff concentrates on getting the best from an intimate knowledge of the inshore marks. He's certainly a "character" and there have been some (pretty unfair) remarks on other forums about his style, but my view is listen to his advice and the fish will generally follow. He's an expert on the Weymouth/Portland tides gained from a very long apprenticeship. Oh and the tea flows pretty freely too.


So I'd expect you'll have a decent day whether you choose Flamer or Dutchess.


Hope this helps



Hi mate, I'd echo remarks re the two skippers mentioned, but dont forget Josh Symmonds on Revolution, if its Bass you are after.....that guy knows his stuff.


His mobile is 07876744948



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