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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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With my sons over from N. Ireland, Neal very kindly offerred us a day out on board Court Jester. Conor decided perhaps fishing was not for him, so stayed at home in front of the goggle box, Calum jumping at the chance to get a few fish.

We met Neal and John at Cobbs at a very respectable 0900hrs, carrying the bare minimum of tackle, and settled onto the boat. With Calums lifejacket adjusted from lard proportions down to snake hip size, Neal took us out, stopping off to collect some rag, which really did come in handy later in the day.

Steaming out of the bay, we headed out to some banks to try for a few ray, but the mark has also produced a few bonus species, we decided to bag up on mackera for bait...........not as easy as we thought! Some perfect sized joey's came in, with a smattering of realistic fillet sized baitfish too, so off we steamed.


Settling on the mark, fish began to come, but slowly. Neal picked up what looked to be a good Ray, but this fish was dropped in a medium to strong tide, on a lighter than usual leader. Calum decided he needed to speak to the sea Gods over the gunwalls, with Neal, John and Dad offering mutterings of encouragement. Groundbaiting complete, and swells rising, we decided upon a move, closer to the patch, in hopefully smaller seas.

Not to be, tide almost gone, the boat swinging, and Cals still uncomfortable, we hauled anchor and came back inside the harbour.


Settling on the edge of a channel, John immediately picked up a nice sized Red Mullet, bites coming readilly. Calum grabbed a few good Black Bream, and his first Bass, all taking either worm, or worm/squid, or worm/mackeral strip cocktails.

Bites slowing down, Neal decided upon a move closer in, to one of his secret yet productive marks.


Down went the gear, bites coming fast and furious. More school Bass, Black Bream, then a stonker of a bite on my light Beast Master, producing my first ever Gilthead Bream. Not huge, around 3/4lb, but my first all the same.

Neal decides upon a bait change, reels in his line, with the punch of a flattie on the end........a beauty of a summer Plaice. Bonus!

More Bass and Bream, before the worms run out, and we decide to head in.


An excellent day out, weather held out, Mackeral, L.S.D; Black Bream, Bass, Red Mullet, and Gilthead Bream. Dan posted earlier how great it is to witness your son catching and enjoying a passion inherrited from their fathers, in my case four generations. Money cant buy this.


A huge thanks to Neal for the day out, and to John for great company and patience. Cant wait for the next trip!




Red mullet and gilthead in the same day - well done guys.


I just hope the wind dies down as predicted on Thursday so I can get my kids out to get a few fish.


Well done Rich - glad you got out with your son.







Thanks Rich - the pleasure was (apart from Bridge incident!!!)) all mine.


A pleasure to have Calum on-board. A very polite, pleasant young lad who does you credit, even if you do not see him that often.


It is always great to see someone catch their first fish. I still remember mine and the thrill it gave me - plus an enthusiasm that so-far has not faded - although I am still not much better at it.


It is surprising what can be picked up in the harbour just simply making tying up to a buoy and trying to catch what passes by. How ofter do we steam off to the horizon and probably not do as well as we did yesterday.


It is amazing as well that you can almost predict what you will catch and at what states of tides if you fish the harbour often enough. We didn't target any wrasse but these could easily have been added as well as Gurnards and baby smoothhounds. The plaice and Guilthead bream were exactly where predicted and at the state of tide predicted - it was me this time that picked up the 2 1/2 lb plaice - instead of watching someone else.





Nicely done chaps, and some good write-ups!


There's bigger giltheads around Poole, Carol having had them to 2lb 2oz. Good to hear of red mullet too, our best has been 1lb exactly off Swanage, but we've had them on the edge of the Hook Sands too.


Both make very good eating when big enough!



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