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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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They are propeller solutions unit 18 bailie gate industrail est sterminster marshall


tel 01258858784


mark w


Yes indeed Dore Rock claimed another victim friday morning, thought i was home and dry after exiting the run 40 mins before lw but forgot about that little b***** ! Luckily just prop but lesson learned !


When you see Prop. Revolutions, Les, ask about the Turning Point option. I changed to that and they are good props and a lot cheaper to change in the event of damage as you don't have to replace the whole thing.




A second recommendation for the TurningPoint props, I bought one as a spare for the Mariner 80 on my QS and kept it as the main prop as performance was slightly improved over the standard prop.


Yes we are here, address as listed. www.propellersolutions.co.uk

Come into Bailie Gate Ind Est. The roads bears sharp left then right, then straight.

Go straight till you see the unit with Dorset Jag Centre sign on, turn right by that unit, we are on the inside corner at the bottom.


went for the turning point and went a notch smaller on the pitch - noticable improvement in power and also a couple of knots on top speed

great service from the guys at prop solutions

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