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I messed around with trying various different knots for tying braid to mono leaders the other week.


By far the best was the Albright knot as suggest by Pete. It's easy to tie and forms a neat, small, knot that doesn't get caught in the rings or in the level wind. For added security I finish it off with a dob of super glue (as BB suggested).


Works a treat and really strong.


Give it a try.


Here's a good sight for seeing how to tie knots.




Bob F.




I only ever used a shock leader with braid when drifting other than that if it is just downtide fishing i dont bother and have had no problems to date, every now and again cutting the last foot off the braid .

tongue.giftongue.gif Bob, Try the SIG knot. This is by far the bestknot I have ever seen for attaching to braid. Type SIG knot into Google then look in argylls post in anglers net. It will give you the web site for the knot. When fishing downtide I agree with daviduk, just a 4 turn nail knot to make a loop then swivel and trace. Never had any problems. regards, BB cool.gif

talking about braid knots.......


I was getting a lot of problems using the lighter brainds (14/16) when attaching them direct to swivels - ie they would snap on pulling hard by hand.


Took me a week to remember that I had previously been tying them with doubled line. Took me a couple of trys to get a neat knot 'cos of all the ends and not being in practice of what to hold but they go together easy now and certainly don't snap off as easy as they were with a round turn and then a grinner/uni in single line.


If I was making a loop to attach the swivel I would still be tempted to make it in doubled line with the thinner B/S lines.


Guys, I've obtained new braid - 20lbs whiplash - for my light work 6600LD from ABU, and am having problems with the braid knotting to the leader......I still like the cusion from the mono length, added safety abrasion wise also. When the knot is moistened and tightened......ping!!! The end of the braid ending up frayed, not clean. Any clues as to what's going on here?? Usual Braid knot being employed BTW


Regards, Rich


PS Good knot link Bob........Ive mailed it to my son in Ireland.....he's mad about fishing, unlike me who's........just mad wink.gif




My guess is the braid is fraying cus it's being squeezed between the mono as the knot is pulling free. If you pinch the end of a length of braid and then pull it through your fingers, the end becomes frayed.


What knot are you using? Try the Albright and add a drop of superglue if you want to trim the mono tag really short.




Cheers Peter, Bob,.................will re tie the blighter this evening. Hoping to use a light rod drifting for Bass off the back of the Island on Tuesday..............getting in practice for the thursady trip...................got to try and retain my Bass crown from Alderney!!!!




Tied the Albright and all seems well. Bob, is the super glue essential?? Pete, what size leader do you fish with the lighter whiplash, or do you fish straight through with Braid all the time??


Cheers guys, Rich


Rich, no, the superglue is definitely not essential, but gives added security, especially if you like to cut the mono tag really short. I also find that the superglue streamlines the knot which greatly reduces the amount of weed that gets caught on it. Very useful in the Solent.


cool.gif I discovered an interesting item of tackle in the cabin of my boat when I visited her on Sunday. It had all the appearance of a vacuum flask but inside was a secret bait additive...at least I assumed that's what it was..although I must admit it looked like water..anyway I sent it off to the lab for analysis and lo and behold it contained anabolic steroids. I can only assume that the owner of the flask had intended to use a performance enhancing drug during a club competition...is this the first case of drugs in angling? Or is this the tip of the iceberg? In the interest of fair play I feel I must name and shame although it did cross my mind that the person involved might have needed the additional power to break out 50lb braid..a trifle excessive when fishing in thirty feet of water on a sandy bottom.........Or perhaps it was needed to pull in the anchor...you just can't get the quality of crews these days..(I remember before Alderney rings we used to pull the anchor in a full spring tide using our little fingers.......) Anyway the member involved lives in Southampton and mutilates trees for a living....



...doesn't shock me in the least. I've seen him use cat food, washing machine tablet bags, bird feeders...the list goes on. It's amazing what these ex-coppers can dig up from the Evidence store rooms!!??!! rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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