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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I was so excited to see a new angling programme advertised. On mainstream tv too.

Oh well, they'd were using some forgotten actor for the presenter, but surely it was gong to be good anyway.


What the biggest load of pants!!!!

Bad presenting, badly set-up shots, bad fishing, bad acting (from an actor) and full of basic bull and inaccurate facts.


What a load of tosh


...Surely it can only get better



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Main stream television is for the masses, not single interest groups. If it is going to continue showing the opportunities for fishing in interesting places around the world and featuring the local characters, it is fulfilling it's remit. And giving a bit of PR to the sport of angling. I don't think Robson Green would claim to be a great angler, just someone who enjoys his sport; very much like the majority of us, I should imagine. Only a few of our number are selected to be the chosen ones and many of them would probably make lousy presenters; look at that annoying tit Gilbey! mad.gif


I really do wish, however, that he would remember he is British, damn it! That mid Atlantic enthusiasm is very grating. Come back Paul Young, everything is forgiven.






Paul Young is horrific. He sets all his crew up with rods and tehn goes and picks it up when one of them hooks up.


Henry Gilbey is a photographer 1st. Very enthusiastic angler 2nd and stumbled into making fishing programmes as his brothers are producers / directors.

He also is a very nice, unassuming man who doesn't actually realise he's a celeb in our angling world.




Each to his own, Tom. I haven't the benefit of having ever met the bloke so can only judge through my eyes what I see on the screen. And I still find him an annoying tit! And I was using Paul Young as an example in the ilk of 'even he is better than Robson bl@@dy Green'. However, again not having your insight, I purely see the finished product which I think for entertainment value is an advantage. Paul Young, IMHO, is an easy to watch, unassuming presenter with no ego who tries to show the viewer what he sees. This is not to say that I think him any better or worse than others, I just want to be entertained.


Let's face it, what television isn't rigged; that's what editors are for. I don't know anyone in the angling celebrity world but do have several friends who are directors/producers/presenters (in mainstream TV) and have visited sets many times and am aware of the chicanery involved in the production process. This does not, however, detract from the entertainment value. Sometimes one can know too much.


And so we don't get involved in another heated discussion, I was giving my opinion of the programme, not your views, your right to which I would defend to the death (well, perhaps not quite that far but, you know what I mean). smile.gif




I do know what you mean Terry and all I was doing was actually pointing out that PY allegedly has a huge ego behind the scenes which he does (admittedly) hide well on screen. However, there are only so many programmes on fly fishing for Brown Trout in Patagonia that I want to watch.


I agree wholeheartedly that HG is not a natural presenter. He will agree to.

He has fallen into the role almost completely by accident. He definitely has absolutely no ego abot what he is doing and has found quite a fan base by just being him.


As for Robson Green.

I know the producers wanted to find a fishing celebrity, but he is not really A list anymore (is he even C list?). The idea of the show would be fine and the concept of showing some of the customs and creatures of a far away land is excellent, but IMHO that other chap (I think it was "The angling adventurer"? Anyway he went fishing in the Amazon amongst other places, but as well as catching fish he showed us the culture in a more understated way) that did a similar style of show, was far better viewing and clearly on a far lower budget.


I don't think it was the concept I had the issue with, it was the constant referrals to "Poncy Actor", the talking about a medium sized Sailfish as if it was a world beater (it may be quick, but it has zero stamina) and the terrible set up shot of them drifting down a river in bouyancy aids! Oh, that and then the whooping and hollering like he was some lune yank whoid just landed a grander Marlin using line plated from hair off his own genitalia.


Keep the concept, send me and you instead and let us use Robson Green as a teaser for something with big teeth. wink.gif




Just as an add on.


Obviously the programme was supposed to appeal to a wider audience than anglers alone. Hence it was billed as a documentary and shown on mainstream TV.


I've so far had 2 non angling colleagues come up to me and asked if I watched it and what a load of pap (they used other words) it was.




Keep the concept, send me and you instead and let us use Robson Green as a teaser for something with big teeth. wink.gif



Now you're talking. All we then need is a celebrity who's dulcet tones people recognise to do the voiceover. I have no delusions regarding being appealing to the general public! sad.gif





I missed the programme last night and from your posts it sounds like I missed nothing particularly watchable.


However, it reminds me of a John Wilson programme of him fishing channel wrecks

out of Alderney and landing "on Camera" a large Cod that had spent the previous two days in a freezer!!


Similarly, both Messrs Wilson and Young fishing the River Moy's famous Ridge Pool

Failing spectacularly until fish that were previously caught and left in traps were "hooked" for them to play and land.


Personally, I quite enjoy Matt "they don't half hang on" Hayes and Mick Brown when they are fishing - they really seem to enjoy themselves and have a bit of fun.

I just wish they would do a bit more / some Sea Fishing.



Keep the concept, send me and you instead and let us use Robson Green as a teaser for something with big teeth. wink.gif



Now you're talking. All we then need is a celebrity who's dulcet tones people recognise to do the voiceover. I have no delusions regarding being appealing to the general public! sad.gif





I find you very appealing!


I think we need a sexy, husky lady voice over person...


How about Vicky Butler-Henderson?

She does it for me and the thought of her hot and sweaty in a rain forest (visions of the flake advert mixed with VBH unzipping her racing suit very seductively - my god where did that come from!)... Oh I've just realised she will only be doing the voice over and not actually presenting.


Actually Terry?

I don't think we will be needing you for this shoot. VBH and I will cope on our own with nothing more than a camcorder and hammock for one.


Tom tongue.gif


I always knew you liked a challenge, Tom. Now, performing standing up in a hammock I'd like to see. I think we could have a winner here. Extreme Nooky! Hmm, I'll have to go away and think a bit more on this. ph34r.gif




The angling adventurer"? is the best show out there by far


I think we'd all agree that it was better than watching Big bloody brother - lets be thankful for any fishing show on TV



I always knew you liked a challenge, Tom. Now, performing standing up in a hammock I'd like to see. I think we could have a winner here. Extreme Nooky! Hmm, I'll have to go away and think a bit more on this. ph34r.gif



Extreme Nooky!


Two people, one person hammock, standing up only....

Naked in a Piranha infested pool whilst fly casting to salt water crocodiles.


Actually, I thought the programme was quite entertaining ( even if it was a bit cheesy in places ).


It is worth noting that it managed to keep my son watching for the whole programme ( which for a "fishing programme" is quite a feat ).


The "oops I dropped the fish you caught for dinner" was a bit of a set up mind !


Entertaining enough though for me to phone PJ to tell him there was some programme with some guys floating down a river in bouyancy aids whilst plugging smile.gif

tongue.gif To be honest, my son and I enjoyed it very much. OK so RB isnt a natural born angler/presenter, but that boyish enthusiasm was great to watch. Tied in with a bit of native stuff it was quite refreshing, bones and all. I know that some of you lads have travelled the world and seen some of this stuff first hand, so know the score. I like watching stuff that is out of reach for me for a few more years. When the kids grow up, look out world, I,m coming at ya. Regards, BB

What the hell have we started here. We appear to have released a lust monster. You all need to get out fishing more. Down boy! Down!


I agree though, she looks as though she'd be very interesting to chat to. Heh, heh!




You're Quite right Terry sad.gif


I must get out Fishing sad.gif


Sorry about the slip into letcherousness huh.gif



But I still think she'd make a great extreme fishing presenter in her bikini and with oiled muscles bulging........... smile.gif


Oops There I go Again blink.gifblink.gif


Roll On a Weekend Weather Window



What the hell have we started here. We appear to have released a lust monster. You all need to get out fishing more. Down boy! Down!


I agree though, she looks as though she'd be very interesting to chat to. Heh, heh!



I'm telling Dillis (sorry if the spelling is wrong Tel)!!!


...but then again, I do agree.

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