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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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This week I decided to take JoJo out for a session on my own (there is somethign satisfying about launching, fishing then recovering with only the radio for company!).


I set off for the RNLI slip in Holes Bay (makes launching and recovery on own very easy, due to the quietness and depth of slip), it was 7:45 and there was fog as far as the eyes could see (about 1/2 a mile i guess)!


I slowly ventured out of the Holes Bay to find the harbour much clearer. On my way out the harbour I was playing with my new and improved fuel flow meter. I was having issues with it registering fuel usage from the boat rocking with the engine off! Therefore I bought an inline one way fuel valve and fitted Friday night. Now I have a clear idea of how much fuel I use when motoring. (I now have Smart tabs and will report some time about efficiency with and without these in place.)


It was amazing how much a tiny tweak on the tilt can reduce fuel consumption by 25%! I was setting the boat up "by eye" then tweaking with the use of the fuel flow gauge, I was often close but not quite spot on.


Anyway, once out of the Swash I radio-ed Solent Coast Guard for a Radio check - (not knowing there was industrial action), anyhow, I had a delayed reply saying this and that SCG were only responding to emergency calls - however, as a radio check is what I was after I thought this was good enough and thanked them!!!


After this a call to any Poole Bay Small Boats was answered by Mr Jones on Gastronaught, we discussed the potential for a Bass and I headed over!


I was pleased with the performance of JoJo as I was able to cruise at 18\20 knots all the way, this was by far the longest continuious run I had done.


On reaching the area of Hengisbury Head there was much more fog and was cold enough for a thermal hat!


I hooked up with Tomo and Paul D + 1 other (sorry) on Just Purfick as I had seen them landing maccy, of course PD blamed me for scaring them off when I arrived! I left them to it after I had my fill - they seemed to be having a little mackerel bashing comp between themselves.


I caught up with Gastronaught and joined in the hunt for Mr Spikey.


First drift - fish landed, excellent little Bass around 43cms so returned asap to fight another day (and hopefully breed!).


Over the next few drifts I had 3 good runs but could not connect! Mr Jones gave me a hint of what to do and of course another run did not happen!!!


Gastronaught headed home with a tidy result and Peter in disbelief on Alun's ability to catch, I then needed more mackerel and headed to deeper water and met up with Play-Hooky. I led Simon off to where I had had picked up bait earlier but none showed! I eventually found some else where (larger too - good eaters!). I called you on the radio Simon but looked up and saw you had just set off to the horizon, so had no chance of you hearing me!


I then headed to try and find the Clan (no good numbers, must be way off - if anyone wants to help I am not too proud to receive a PM!!). I then drifted over Dolphin Sands for Tope.


I brought a nice big Cuttle fish up to the boat, but it freaked out after seeing my net and just left me with a now half mauled and dead mackerel!


I then landed a tope (my first ever and target species!! biggrin.gif ) but it was on a freelined dead bait which was out for more cuttle or possibly a Bass, how I landed it with no wire trace I am not sure!!


Anyway, I had 4 more screaming runs which resulted in only one more hookup, too quick perhaps? I was trying not to deep hook the Tope, so somewhere in between next time (a few mackerel heads were retreived!) (both about 5 - 6 lbs)


After all the excitement of the day I headed back to Poole, the sea state was up on earlier in the day but it took only 20 mins to reach the Swash.


With the boat out and back at home for 19:00 I was thinking about fishing Sunday but I was sooooo tired, so repeating again on Sunday was a no, so I enjoyed the good weather at home and did a few jobs round the house, interrupted with a great mackerel lunch smile.gif .


See you out there ph34r.gif



Edited by rob francis

Well done Rob, you covered a lot of ground.... and fishing effort there, no wonder you were whacked! [getting a bit older now, as well!!]


Sunday was a nice day ..... but I don't think the comp. format worked too well this time , with not enough variety of species turning up on the lures. .... don't know what others thought\found out though.


Good to see bass fishing continues when weather allows.


Good luck next weekend,




Good to see you out there Rob. I too was weary on Sunday although I got dragged off on a yomp to Mupe Bay from Lulworth with the missus and dogs. It looks so fishy over there--one day I'll get round there in a boat!



Nice report Rob


Sometimes those trips out on your own are bliss.

Something I miss occasionally with the new boat being a bit too big for one man.


You must of had some good mackeral

"a few mackerel heads were retreived!) (both about 5 - 6 lbs)"

if the heads were that heavy they must have been blackfin tuna



CU afloat





Charlie - I see my mistake, it is not a new club record! p.s. thanks for the advice about wher to get the tope, it certainly was spot on!!!







Rob, We did give you a shout before we set off, heard nothing back. We had decided enough was enough, 7hrs at sea and 52 miles under our belt and all we had to show for it was 2 small pout and a single mackerel. Nothing seemed to work for us even the wrecks didn't give us any fish, definately my worst day ever weep.gif .


I'll e-mail you a list of most of the wrecks around the UK coastline theres about 5000 listed, but keep it to yourself, if anyone else wants a copy ask me nicely wink.gif


Simon L



Paul D didn't winge to long as after our mackey bashing we went to drift the Ledge and PD was into bass on the first drift.....but that was probably because he was borrowing one of my rods.... biggrin.gif and the day just got bettter with a steady flow of bass to live baits and lures. We had fish topping all round the boat.......and just to mention PD lost a good fish.... ohmy.gif

We then went of to a mark of the Island to try for some rays but had to contend with tope....But great fun anyway.


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