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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Todays forecast looked just too good, light winds with sunshine....So decided to go on my own as planned. for a spot of bassing and meeting up with AJ.

Up at normal time for work, though, and down to the boat by just after 7:30..


Leaving PYC slightly behind schedule, it took just 40 mins for the run over to the ledge from Poole, and I was joining a handful of boats already on the mark.


The easterly breeze and brisk flood were kicking up some breaking waves further out, but the inshore drifts looked nice and smooth. Next problem was some livebait (why oh why didnt I stop earlier....) In fact I got a small joey straight away, but then took an hour to find any more, and in the end decided that my bait would last longer in the water than in my bait bucket, so put him over the side.


Fishing was slow to say the least, with AJ and Les L fairing similarly to me... I dont know whether it was the colour of the water, or the general lack of bait fish....


In the end, I had to wait until the ebb until I had two smallish bass of a couple of pounds, both shaking their heads as they got towards the back of the boat, flinging the bait plus hook away. The third run, I manage to boat him, but he was only a pound, so went back almost immediately.


As I'd run out of bait, I then anchored up for a bream or trigger, and Bingo, but it was only the one solitary fish. Weighed on the home scales 2lb 2oz..


Highlights of the day... everything worked on the boat including an improvised livewell, made out of just a big tub and filled now and again via a deck wash pump.. "Rescuing" two lads in a rib with a broken outboard, anchored in the tide.

Watching AJ hook up with the Potter, and exchange a few 'pleasantries' whilst he swept away three sets of gear from the lads....








Well done Paul! ........ think I'll go after the triggers next week...unless bassing improves!


We struggled to start with, but gradualy accumulated half a tankful of joeys [lovely size for bait!]. Drifts were a bit bumpy due to tide\wind and also an odd direction, being swept SE for ages before being pushed over the Ledge.


All I managed was two dropped runs [ small fish I guess !??]......and Dave, not even that! Murky water ??? East wind?? Big tide???.......none of these is my favoured condition. [Excuses,excuses !!]. I'll be interested to see how Rob does today.


It wasn't my day yesterday! Having 'abandoned' the bassing, we tried for a trigger. After a bit of searching with the sounder for an appealing bit of bottom to anchor over, it took a little while to re-rig different end tackle, get some berley and baited hooks in. I hadn't noticed a distant potting boat slowly coming my way .....straight towards us! No sign of a pot buoy in his path, I wondered where he'd stop?? With him now 10 feet away, it was clear his pot string was right under us!! Three braid lines nicely tangled around his rope addaed to tackle and braid losses this season. He then used his capstan to pull up my anchor, which of course, tripped it out!....so now drifting off my spot! The whole episode just about summed up my day.... and showed Dave bassing on Gastronaught is not always like reports here might suggest!!


Nevertheless, it was a nice day, with good company and everything else worked faultlessly [boat, engine, GPS\sounder, bait tank] and economically.


Better luck next week,




lee and i , juggled work around to get out with the forcast so good, turned out it was a bit windier than expected.


struggled to find small enough joeys, tried a few drifts over the ledge with no joy.


decided to anchor up , we ended up further towards southbourne away from the

pout? no we call it the trigger hole cos now thats all we seem to catch there.


put some small rigs down with squid and the bites came straight away, damm mackeral loads of them and nice little ones. so another rod each was set up and small livelys dropped down , i had a small bass 2lb ish returned. we had 5 small bream in total on the smaller rigs all returned.


decided to try afew more drifts on the way in but no takers.


not a bad day though, better than work.




The whole episode just about summed up my day.... and showed Dave bassing on Gastronaught is not always like reports here might suggest!!



.....but it was an adventure! And we must be in with a shout for a catch & release trophy for the crabber?


All in all a very enjoyable and instructive day despite the lack of decent fish.



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