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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Due to a broken mudguard mount on the trailer, postponed until Saturday. Bit of welding to do first. Anyone else out to play?




I'll be out on Fri.


.....and possibly Thurs as well.


I'll be looking for bass and triggers


.....but won't say 'no' if a haddy gets hooked.


I remember... many years ago..... there was a flurry of them caught in the Thames estuary [ Gravesend way] off the shore; never seen , or heard of them caught around here.......... but trust Terry's ID skills [if he had his glasses on!!]


I expect I'll be having a go for late mackerel...... so who knows??; I'll post if I contact any!




I've been sea fishing since I was a nipper, but only caught my first trigger fish a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm all fired up to go after haddock, herring and squid this winter as these are also species I've never caught.


Gordon H





First thanks for the info on LPG.

I am hoping to be out Sat and would love to show everyone that there are haddock about PM me the Numbers and i will see you out there.


Craig Abode11 wink.gif



Craig, until the club record is mine, all mine, the numbers stay locked in my vault. However, if you make your way around to the ledge, you'll find me there with, I suspect several others on the same quest.




If you fancy a trip on an E-Tec powered Orkney, you are more than welcome aboard Neo Tom.


BTW: Weather forecast at moment is very good for Saturday.


Tight lines all


The weather should be ok, I am working which usually means calm weather. laugh.gif


"Let me know what you need me to bring and it will be brung" Quest 2 tom ??



Tight lines all


The weather should be ok, I am working which usually means calm weather. laugh.gif


"Let me know what you need me to bring and it will be brung" Quest 2 tom ??



Could be, but I'd love to bum a ride on another club boat...


Tom he is "next door" to your office, Go out of your front door, turn left, end of the building turn left, door is the small one in the middle of the big one.


beware of the dogs.


Hard to help some people on this forum at times laugh.gifwink.giflaugh.gif


I could not get the google earth map for you tongue.gif


Poor Tom, I remember a few years back.... had the british record Herring under the grill for his tea, before he realised..... Are we talking about the same man???


I've bust my guts laughing at all this Haddock talk. Thanks Chaps laugh.giflaugh.gif



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