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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I leapt at the chance to join Alun aboard Gastronought for another trip to the Needles - hoping to repeat last fridays visit with some more of the wonderful Cod!


Every day is different, and this one was predictably cold, with a gentle offshore breeze setting in which at times topped a Force 4. However there was no ground swell, fortunately, although the wind over the flood tide was making it a bit lumpy close to the Needles channel. We elected to fish a spot to the north of most of the other boats, quite a number for mid week - with 10 or so others..including Jimbob....


Alun opened the score with a nice plump 6-7lber after half an hour or so. We were being kept busy with Dogfish and the occaisional Pout, so the baits didnt stay untouched for long, then up comes a smallish spotted ray to me just for a bit of variety.


After a while, I'm commenting on how its easy to miss the initial take if you're not holding the rod, and sure enough, tap tap, and then a thump of something heavy. Not much of a fight, just felt heavy and stubborn, and its a nice Cod of 13 1/2 lbs.... biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Already I'm enjoying my day off....


Shortly afterwards, Will 'the squidman' arrived from Poole, and we had a quick chat, he then anchored a few hundred yards to the south, and so we found out proceeded to take all the fish with him!!! However he did bring the sunshine with him - which lasted all day, and when the wind eventually eased on the ebb, it actualy felt warm (ish).


After this initial action on the Cod, it was all quiet up to high water - except for the relentless haul of doggies. Alun was trying hard to snare some whiting with a muppet rig and bait, and I joined in for a while - quiet a busy few hours was spent baiting up, unhooking yet more doggies, sorting out a number of braid tangles, until a humungeous mess of hojkkais, bait, braid of 3 colours put paid to our six rods fishing. mad.gif


Last Knockings and in the final minutes before we headed for home, the butt of the rod came up rather smartish in the rod rest, during a 'spot of housekeeping' and another Cod of 6-7lb was lifted aboard Gastronought.


I had another great day.... thoroughly enjoyed the good company and excellent skippering. Alun proved yet again how good he is at picking the weather window. Thanks again for the invite. Much better than work !! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif







nice catch report! sure looked a cold day! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


After a while, I'm commenting on how its easy to miss the initial take if you're not holding the rod


what do you do for the initial take? we have just left the rods in the holder, wating for a screaming reel... which alas has never occured... :S




Thanks Paul, for the report, the good company through the day, the excellent fresh tea.........and for showing me [again] how to catch the better cod.!!


One for dinner last night......stuffed 4 of us!


Looks like the weekend weather window is 'opening'..... perhaps some other members can get out there then; there could be a big swell left after the blow coming today and tomorrow......so I'll be going in something a bit bigger! [if my bro. brings his big, new beast down].




Nice report and nice fishing guys well done again biggrin.gif


At least in daylight you have a chance with those braid tangles, at night and with a need to now wear glasses I find them a nightmare. sad.gif


lets hope Alun is right about the weekend,[ its a shame the comp could not be rescheduled,] but if other matters are OK we may get out towards the island on Sunday.


Charlie biggrin.gif


Hi Dan

Bearing in mind I'm no expert - Possibly, James (Jimbob) would be able to comment, as he's had a few good ones on the boat...


it was just a feeling we had, most of the time, the rod is in the holder, and you get a few small movements on the tip or drag alarm. When you pick up the rod the first thing we do is (almost simultaneously) put the reel in free spool, ie no clicker or clutch, and let some string out. a few seconds later you may feel a more positive 'clunk' and when you wind in, a solid resistance rather than a running fish, and a characteristic Nod Nod on the end of the rod tip.


I suppose if you've left it in the holder, then the rod tip may eventually pull round, but if you wait until then, I expect most of the time you will be fishing with no bait on the hook, as the doggies and pout tend to rattle at the baits until they fall off.


I might add, we werent using massive baits or chains of squid...




I have been keeping an eye on the catch report viewer and tonight was going to remind those anglers getting the cod to add their catches, as they were not showing.


Today when I checked I saw several nice cod in december allready biggrin.gif

then I noticed the dates ph34r.gif

I know James is a good angler and very confident, but reporting a 20 lb fish caught on boxing day is a bit keen. laugh.giflaugh.gif


Maybe its one for PD, it just seems there is no way to correct typo's and mistakes like duplicates on the report posting system.


Its not really a winge, its just that other office guys may like to keep an eye on the catch reports like me and the boys do.


Charlie biggrin.gif




Well done Alun and Paul!


Oops! its the first fish I've reported in ages so must be a bit rusty!

as for cod bites, I let the rod holder do all the work when the tide is running, I find most cod just hook themselves.

on the slack I do hold the rod tho and as the boat swings round I just keep in contact with the bottom. The first 18lber yesterday was while holding the rod biggrin.gif




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