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Starting an outboard without any electrics

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My Orkney 520 has dual leisure batteries and a rotary switch with No1 used as a starter and No2 for the radio etc.


Because I only use her in Poole bay or the Harbour I found the batteries where not up to full charge due to the run times and output of the motor alternator.

Motor alternator only produces 12/15 a/hr @6000 rpm.


I now use a CTEK 7000 XS Multi charger 14 / 224 to keep my dual batteries fully charged. On its maintenance cycle I can leave it plugged in permanently while ashore.


Having access to a permanent 240volt supply ashore I just plug it in after a day out and it maintains a pair of fully charged batteries.


CTEK recommend a routine check on fluid levels form time to time - but as yet I have not needed to top the batteries up and both batteries are as good as new.



Mikey B




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