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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Weather window extends into tomorrow........so where to go??


Flounders showed up today [better than expected!], so could do that again.....


.....or [possibly last] whiting trip.


Anyone like to join me??


Only prob............whilst it was lovely and flat in the harbour today, there was a largish swell breaking on the Bar.... with no obvious [from the shore] way through the breakers!! If they don't flatten overnight, then it'll have to be a Baiter launch!




When out with Silver Spray today, caught quite a few whitings, biggest on the boat is just over 3 1/2lb. All were caught a few miles outside the poole harbour entrance. Tried 2 other places but neither produced any cods or whiting (or congers fro that matters)



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