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Basic Electrics - Question 1a

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Here's a additional question related to Q1 for those that want to try a deeper question.


The particles that orbit around the center of an atom are








Well, you guys are obviously atomic scientist rather than electricians.


80% were correct. Electrons is the correct answer.


An atom is like a tiny solar system. The center of the solar system is called the nucleus (like the Sun in our solar system), and it's made up of tiny particles called neutrons and protons. The nucleus is surrounded by clouds of other tiny particles called electrons. The electrons rotate about the nucleus in fixed paths called shells or rings (like the orbit of planets around the Sun).


Each atomic particle has an electrical charge. Electrons have a negative charge (-); protons have a positive charge (+); neutrons have no charge, they are neutral.


In a balanced atom, the number of electrons equals the number of protons. The balance of the opposing negative and positive charges holds the atom together (like charges repel, unlike charges attract). The positive protons hold the negative electrons in orbit. The centrifugal force of the electrons prevents them being sucked inwards. And within the nucleus, the neutrons cancel the repelling force of the protons, thus holding the atoms core together.





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