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Depends if he wants it to start the engine or run electronics.


You shouldn't start an engine off a leisure battery.


this is a bit of an ongoing issue


a 55 isn't going to ask a lot from a battery


so the question becomes what else and how long and when will it be charged and how long will it be left.................


my advice has to echo that given before = buy the cheapest with the best warranty and keep the receipt


The 3 options are:


Marine battery.

Car Starting Battery

Leisure Battery



A Marine battery is designed to cope with both engine starting and with runing the electronics. It is not damaged if run flat. It would be the ideal battery, but they are more expensive. We have two marine batteries on JV.


If you are only going to have one battery and it's primarily for starting the outboard and you can't afford a marine battery, go for a Car battery. The car battery will be able to cope with some modest electronics, but be careful not to run it flat.


As Rob says, avoid using a leisure battery as your primary starting battery. It's ok for a back up to start the engine.


Another popular set up is to have two batteries. Battery one is a car battery for starting; battery two is a leisure battery used for running the electronics.


85A will be fine for your set up.



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