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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I picked up a sailing magazine on my way back from London today, the Practical Boat Owner, July 2009 edition.


Inside on p8 was an article about the RYA fighting against a proposed wind farm in Poole Bay. Apparently it's been in the local and national press but I was utterly unaware. Have tried to find a reference to it online and found this:




Not as clear as the magazine article, but it looks huge, extending from about 5 miles South of St. Catherine's to about 8 miles off Kimmeridge and in an area 4 miles from North to South.


The RYA is objecting on navigational grounds (splitting the Western Approaches and routes to the Solent and Poole), but with clearance of 22m to the blades above high water, most small boats could theoretically get in and around. They'd probably have to ban trawling there, so it could end up being a fish reserve of some type - but what if no angling either?


Any more info or thoughts folks?






Looking at some of the catch report photos on WSF forum, it seems quite a few guys have a lot of success at the wind farms! (cant remember where though.... dry.gif )


Could be good for us!


and an easy mark to try wink.gif




Our mark info may have to change


Ie turn left at the second windmill and go half way to the next one laugh.gif


IF it ever happened it could be a blessing IMHO




Surelty it can only be good for angler?

Trawlers can't get close to them, and they serve as home for very small fish which in turn feed bigger fish. Similar to oil rigs in my opinions, just a lot smaller.


i think you have hit the nail on the head there newboy when mentioning oil rigs how many angling boats are allowed to fish around the rigs ,i think you will find none as there is im led to believe an exclusion zone around them we to have discussed the proposed wind farm at club level and have been led to believe a similar exclusion zone will be in place around them possibly due to them being ideal terrorist targets stood out there all on there own i will post more info as i receive it, but i do agree an structure put in place out there has to attract all sorts of life to it especially with the vanes whirring around above the sea (any one remember jaws)


Not neccesarily the structures themselves that would help the fishing


although the pontoons here at work grow weed and other life that attracts small fish which in turn Pollack and Bass enjoy. If the area already had some underwater features even better.


But if they put in an area of these things, they will no doubt insist on a no entry /fishing zone. The effect of which should be a Nursery area.


It has been found abroad that the benifits of such an area is good to surrounding areas, when the mature fish have to move out.


lets hope if they get these built they are not on our best fishing spots


Charlie biggrin.gif

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