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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi Guys,


I am helping organise a charter wrecking trip on Tuesday 7th Sept out of Langstone on a new Catermaran.


I am not sure how many places are available at the moment but if anyone is interested let me know. Cost approx

Is wrecking difficult?



What's actually involve?

One of the first things is indeed the wreck it's self. I 'spose it's a 'given' really. laugh.gif


Mainly you need tough tackle because the fish will dive for the safety of the wreck once hooked. So bendy rods and 20lb line are out. The two basic methods of fishing are to anchor up tide of the wreck and fish down to it. This is OK if the water is not too deep or the tide too fast. However as most good fishing wrecks are in deep fast running water the Drift method is most commonly used.

The 'art' of drift fishing a wreck is for the skipper to know his job so well that he can consitently find and go over or very close to the wreck each drift. Sometimes one only gets a couple of minutes or less per drift.


Mad Mike

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