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just back from a week in north norway. five of us went hired a 18 and 19ft alloy boats and had a good week nothing spectactackler biggest 26lb cod loads of 5lb to 17lb on spinning gear. red fish wolf fish pollack haddock and a 3lb halibut. but finding the marks took up most of the time getting the tide run right and keeping out of the the squalls. but when we go again at least we will be able to save time and go stright to the marks. a word of warning to anybody thinking of going take your own life jacket as what were on the boat was a life preserver the one that looks like a flack jacket and did not look upto the job. also I took my HH vhf to keep in touch with the other boat. did pick up the local cg and some weather information as the boats we hired only had a gps/ff. going round the islands the vhf might not have worked.{ line of sight } but three chaps from london based at skervoy their boat broke down drifted for five hours and was drifting on to a cliff face which would have smashed the boat up. they were lucky that a passing boat had seen there plight and put out a mayday they were plucked out by a helecopter Im not saying that a hh vhf would have worked for them but it would have maybe given them a better chance. anyone flying from gatwick to oslo beware of the dutyfree you buy at gatwick if it is not in a sealed bag you will have it taken off you in oslo as you have to go through customs again the lads had 10 bottles taken off them. before we flew onto skervoy sick.gifweep.gif



Hi reg


Glad you succeeded even if not by the spectacular poundage that we all hope for when the magical word "Norway" is spoken.


For other people going, this may be useful. Credit for the website link has to go to WSF member "Norseman" who posted this link on their website.

It's a superb site that will really help self drive boaters find the right spots.







Norway depth charts




Here is depth charts of Norway from the Norwegian Geological Surveys.

The site is unfortunately in Norwegian, but under the link I will post how to get the depth charts out.




When the site opens, click the tab "Kart", and then mark "Dybdedata"


You can then zoom in on your area. The more you zoom in, the more details you get.


Should be okay to use for planning trips. If you need more detailed instructions, just post here And I will try and lead you trough it.


Thanks Tom we did have a few marks but had to fish the place at the top of the tide.As that seemed to be the time. but as you know it ain't no fun getting thrown about in a small boat.we did stick it out as much as we could but we was out 17-18 hrs a day and covered a fair amount of ground the petrol bill for the two boat's came to just under

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