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after washing down reef raider down last weekend i noticed some green sludge coming out of the engine water in take ie where you put the muffs to rinse your engine out with fresh water i phoned silverdale marine and was asked to drop the boat off anyway the gear box oil seal had gone ohmy.gif the engine has only done 40hrs and etec say that you only have to service the engine evey 3 years ? i picked up the boat this morning the mechanic has informed that this is common on the etecs but all's good as the warranty covers it and there is a five year warranty on it smile.gif .




Glad to read they did it on warrenty. as they should on an engine that only done 40hrs.


one of the main causes of leaking seals is fishing line wound on the shaft.


How is the fishing with you Mark?


Charlie biggrin.gif


well to tell the truth i have only been out twice we had a few little snapper all returned but i don't have any marks as yet and i am waiting for my garmin blue charts to come from the US but it is starting to warm up here it's 18c here today and clear blue skys when we went out we fished a place called the noises a group of small islands and rock sticking out of the water the sceanery is stunning blink.gif and the little bays on the islands are just amazing on the way to the noises we were joined by a pod of dolphins and on the rocks was some seals thats the reason we only caught a few snapper i think but i only went out to test the boat realy . once the weather get a bit better i will be out most weekends if the boss lets me . over here in kiwi land on the tv they have a fishing programme called the ITM FISHING SHOW where he tailers a 7 meter boat around nz catching any think from snapper to kingfish its good programme and the boys love it the guy who hosts it is mad you have proberly heard of him mat watson he caught a 70lb halibut from a rubber dinghy and jumped out of a helicopter on to a sailfish ohmy.gif he allso has his a web site itmfishingshow.co.nz but speaking to some of the fishermen here soon as the sea gets warmer the big snapper move in and the sea comes alive can't wait biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif .


mark b


Hi Mark when we were there, we read one of the monthly mags [and all the back issues] all the time as it had so much in it.


I believe there is a time when the water gets to a certain tempreture [which I can not remember] in your summer then the snapper fishing goes nuts.


It is just before Christmas so you have time to find a few marks, or just follow the mass of boats.


Tight lines and say hi to Julie and the boys

Charlie biggrin.gif

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