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The drive down was a mere 3 hours, arriving at 08:15 to see everyone's preparations well under-way. Superb view from the car-park which pic's can't convey, could spend month's investigating all the coves and features.


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Customary team shot:


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Car-park wind-up



Once on the water it's like being a kid in a sweet shop, so many options, go here, go there, get the feathers out, flip a plug out, stick a big bait on.....


Settled on big red tailed feathers for Pollock and drifted westwards in the light breeze off the land. Fishfinder giving contacts at various depths, the feathers weren't attracting any interest. Adam was picking-up the odd small Mackerel, and I mean small, about Sardine sized. Paddled over to Pugwash, 4lb Pollock already! Then onto Smeg (Eugene), he'd caught a few Mackerel then promptly hooked another load, looked a bit bigger than Mackerel. Delighted to see a fine Wrasse on the feathers, maybe 4lb:


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Drifting about, became aware of hissing sounds, the water boiling with fry:


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Tied mini Hokkai onto the bottom of the feathers and caught a couple of very small Mackerel. HW stand and anchored, set-up the Shark gear (Yea'h right!) and put a mini Mackeral on the bottom and baited the feathers. First up was a Pout?**!....finally off the list for this year.


A run on the Mackerel, snagged in the bottom, meanwhile Adam was dealing with a Conger. After snagging and breaking off, decided to move. Repositioned only a few yards further up-tide, but no snaggs. Just sorted the anchor and put all the lines and rubby dubby out, then heard Eugene yell, big Conger on the surface, Tratty (Dave) did the photo call. Which was good as I then had a run on the mini Mackerel, odd fight, didn't keep contact with the fish, should have guessed, typical Bass from deep water, woke-up on the surface. Bit thin and looks bigger than it was, estimate 3-4lb:


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Next drop and something heavy, video out for this one:



Nice Huss, a very fat 8lb plus:


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Porgies out there somewhere biggrin.gif :


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Group of inflatables drifted through, close to Dave and Adam, Dave was very relaxed considering they practically crashed into him.


Than another small Huss and the inevitable strap Conger:


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Wind picked-up from the north, the white water tidal rip off the point behind us appeared to be circling around and getting closer by the minute, together with the odd big wave. Packed the Shark gear away only to see Dave recovering anchor and Eugene doing likewise.


Last cast :


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Paddled in to meet Isca(Dave) who'd taken the plug and spin along the shoreline option for Gar, Pollock and Mackerel.


What a great day, the Shark fishing was always a wind-up, but you never know. The only Porgy we saw was in the pub, and carved from wood. Made us think though, as about life size, only the previous day a Blue was caught off the point (the chap bitten and requiring hospital). Surprised we didn't get Tope, needs more time to figure out where and when to fish.

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