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I cant really see why kayakers need a new committee member especially as our illustrious chairman is a part time kayaker himself.

We dont specify much about the types of boats allowed in our club only an upper limit on length so the only difference is the question of buddying for safety reasons.

The major difference here is that instead of a fishing unit being one boat, one skipper plus crew, the fishing unit for competition purposes in kayaks would be two craft and two skippers.

I agree that the time taken to get to help a fellow kayaker is the critical factor in determining how far apart the kayaks should be and discussion with experienced kayakers is the way forward.

As to a list of equipment--we've been here before. if we specify a list then we enter the realms of equipment checks and responsibility as a committee.

The responsibility for safety equipment has to rest with the skippers as any check would only be like an MOT i.e. valid at the time of the check. The equipment present on board for each trip would not be verifiable by the committee.


The proposed RNLI checklist for kayaks is the answer here to give skippers a point of reference from which they can equip their craft and it would be up to them to maintain that level of safety gear.



I agree 100% with Pete's comments.


I would add that as these same kayaker's are perfectly entitled to go out fishing with and without 2 in a boat, 30ft safty lines or whatever the two critical issues for the club have to be


1. by allowing enty into a club competition are we in any way encouraging, or condoning, unsafe practice?

2. the club should not set itself up as the arbitor of safe practice.


It would therefore seem sensible to simply add the words 'where practical' to the existing rule relating to '2 men in a boat' from a rules perspective and use all possible means to direct individuals to souces of information regarding safety information, as with other craft.


Outwith safety my main concern would be that they will have a hugely unfair advantage when fishing for flounder in the harbour............ weep.gif

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Agree with most of the above, particularly "the club should not set itself up as the arbitor of safe practice". An RNLI endorsed checklist would seem a very sensible step. Certainly, on AnglersAfloat we have worked with the RNLI at a local level in various places around the UK to achieve this in the past.


As for "hugely unfair advantage" my main concern would be in delivering the expected result! biggrin.gif

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