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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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The Angling Trust has been through a very difficult period in its development. We failed to attract the number of members we wanted and we have therefore had to cut operating costs and staffing levels accordingly. As a brand new organisation, with very small capital reserves, we have had to take these measures to be viable for the future. As our subscription and other income grows, we will in time be able to recruit more staff and do more for all our members.


However, it is not all doom and gloom! We are still signing up more than 100 individual members each week and several new recruitment initiatives are currently being launched with the support of the angling trade. Our work continues on all fronts and all the staff and Directors are intent on continuing to build the organisation we all want to see. Click on this link for a fuller article on our web site entitled Angling Trust Alive and Kicking



Angling Trust Appeal

Last week we also received a very generous donation of



Instead of just donating a sum of money - how about using an agreed amount to "sponsor" individuals membership


For example...and only a suggestion


Free membership for juniors when joining the club


fish of the month = Free membership


competition winner = free membership


All one year only, and a one off prize


This would then pehaps encourage more individuals to join up!


To be discussed I am sure at a club meeting




After the last Club Meeting I decided to join the Angling Trust as an Individual Member. To put it simply, they are one of the few bodies that represent angling at a National Level. The idea of waiting to see how they get on and what they do does not appeal as I feel they need support now. From what I see they are certainly far more active in terms of their media profile than previous organisations. If I am wrong, I have lost a few gallons (litres) of fuel money. It's also pleasing to see that the Club intends to invite high level representation from the new Organisation which hopefully will persuade a few more to join. Things aren't perfect, people may still ask "What is in it for me or my branch of angling?" This is an appeal to open discussion and to give an embryonic organisation a chance of growing rather than dying in the early stages due to a lack of support and funding.

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