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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Hi all, I wrote this message to the committee & was wondering what others views were on this subject, as Weymouth end seem to be getting very worried about it all.


I was at a meeting of Weymouth angling society early this week, there was a lot of talk about the new marine protection zones & natural England.

From what I could gather it seems that Natural England are wanting to have an area that takes in Lyme bay eastwards towards Hengisbury, & the fact that this may also (as the lines have been drawn at present) include the shambles bank in with all the reef systems this area is quite rich in. The people at Weymouth were saying that they have already put forward thier views to Natural England as consultation was offered and responses were to be in by the 5th. There seemes to be a bit of worry as to the safety of small boats, especially the more inexperienced amongst them, in that if proposals made were implamented it could seriously put small boat anglers at risk in that they would be forced to go out further to fish if the inshore areas were closed to them. (having total exclusion to all fishing methods)

I was wondering what if anything has PBSBAC put forward to the same proposals, Has the AT said anything on the matter & What are you & the rest of the clubs views on this.

I believe strongly in conservation & think anything that would give our fish stocks a boost is a welcome thing, but these things should be handled properly & not just be a case of all the idiots coming out of the woodwork to use the new legislation as a hammer to knock our sport on the head. Our views & our safety should be taken into account.


Mike & Debbie. (Moonshine)

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