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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The weather at the weekend looks reasonable, so Dan and I are thinking of heading offshore on Sat. For a bit for a spot of wreck hopping and drift fishing. ph34r.gif


If that fails to work, anchoring the PM slack may be called for wink.giftongue.gif


So far Gordon is joining us, but we have room for one or two more.


If anyone is keen enough to have a look in Feb.


You know the drill, get in touch if you are interested. biggrin.gif


Charlie 07887 794716

Posted (edited)

Yes please Charlie but u don`t answer phone and I havent got to work this Sat Have left message on your mob

Heres hoping Nige



Contact made now fingers crossed on this fickle wind

Edited by niggle

Hi charlie


I'd love to come out if you still have a spare place, only been a member for a month but went out with martin on awol for the cod comp and came 5th!! Have spoken with niggle on the phone when we were out on our own boats a couple of sundays ago and would be good to put faces to names. Will try and call you later.


Cheers Mike


Well we had a nose about, but there is not much else to report really.


As we set off on a fine day, it seemed like a good plan for a mixture of drifting and anchoring.

The forcast was OK but with rain and stuff at lunchtime bringing some breeze.


We steamed for over and hour to the first wreck, set up the drifts and nothing.


The plan was to carry on out, if this one proved hard and the water coloured, but light rain bought a lot of wind, so heading another 8 miles offshore did not seem a good plan.


Wind now with tide, I tried to get the anchor in, without luck on several attempts.


so we headed in a bit and tried again, by now the tide was ripping so it still refused to set.


"Lets look at a couple of sets of numbers and wait a bit" Nice plan , would have been better if I could have found the damn wreck mad.gif


still it killed some time and when we went back at least the anchor held, but fishing was slow. Sure we had a few eels but nothing big and not that many.


The weather actually calmed again and the rain missed us so it was not all bad [except the fishing]


It was nice to fish with another new Member, but he must wonder if we make our reports up tongue.gif

Thanks for coming guys it was still better than working


Oh well better luck next time


Charlie biggrin.gif


Hi Charlie, I was out with Tom on Illusion and tried to call you up [on radio and phone] with no response.


We enjoyed a nice day on the Banks and seemed to miss the bad weather that first passed to the South, then another lot overland!! We had sun most of the day with a bit of [squally] wind that went over with that first line of cloub.


We were surprised at how fast the tide was [thinking it was a small one!!] ... and tripped the anchor first time. Like you, we found the fishing was very slow!! ; only a couple of small nibbles when the tide was running but when it eased, Tom had a couple of pout and I got a blonde ray.... not big at 10 lbs., but lively enough to have me thinking "cod??" for the first min or so !!


A very pleasant day out........ a smooth trip back and forth...... and a surprise at the end! We got back to the Marina to find cars and boats covered in white!! .... from a downpour of slush!!


Both weather and fishing look hopeless for the foreseeable..........my trip from Weymouth on Sun got cancelled due to iffy weather and lack of catch [even out on mid-Channel wrecks].... so it will be catch-up time in the garden for me until weather \ action gives the chance of a flattie somewhere.



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