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Bull Huss

A member of the shark family this robust fish arrives inshore during the months of April and May and leaving inshore waters during December as Sea temperatures drop. They tend to be nomadic creatures feeding alone rather than in packs like their closely related cousin the dogfish. Bull Huss can reach double figures in size and a fish over 10lb is considered a good catch from the shore.


Larger specimens are often caught fishing over rough ground, with rock fishing locations being a favoured venue. They like to roam kelp or weedy areas in search of food.




Mackerel, Bluey, Herring and Launce provide plenty of scent that the Huss can locate amongst the ground you will be fishing. They will also take squid and cuttlefish; try cocktail bait consisting of Mackerel and Squid or Cuttle fish and Launce. Keep your baits small no longer than 4 inches in length and 1.5 in diameter, this stop you masking your hook point and ensure a good hook hold is gained on any hooked Huss.



There is only one rig for bull huss and that’s the tried and tested pulley rig, just because of the ground you are likely to be fishing, you need to get the lead up and away from the sea bed as quickly as possible to prevent it snagging. The pulley rig does this well, and clips down and casts brilliantly as well.

The hook link needs to be 60 – 80 lbs, this is because bull huss have teeth! Yes, they may not be very sharp, but they can and do wear through hooklinks in lighter breaking strains. I usually use 3/0 or 4/0 Vavaris big- mouth hooks mounted on a pennel rig for the business end. I like the pennel rig for holding the bait on neatly, you can use single hooks if you like, and some prefer them especially if fishing really snaggy ground, but I like the hooking potential of the pennel rig. Additionally I think the presentation you get with the pennel rig is ideal when using larger baits, as the top hook holds the bait in position, and prevents it slipping down, which can reduce hook-ups.

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Fish ID Pictures

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Photo Information

  • Taken with SAMSUNG GT-I9300
  • Focal Length 3.7 mm
  • Exposure Time 1/1006
  • f Aperture f/2.6
  • ISO Speed 80

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