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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Spotted Ray

Scientific Name:

Raja montagui

Usual Size:

3lb to 5lb

UK Record Weights from rod/line:

Shore: 8lb 05oz

Boat: 8lb 03oz 14drm


A short snouted ray with sharp disc corners forming approximately right angles. A median row of closely packed spines runs from the shoulders to the dorsal with one or two between dorsals. Colour: back, brownish with small black dots that don't reach the margins of the disc and often a pale spot with a ring of dark spots forming an ocellus on each wing.


Eggs in their short horned capsules are laid in shallow water during April through to July.


Found in deeper water 25 to 120m over sandy and rough grounds.


Mainly eats a wide range of crustaceans, with only the occassional fish.


Common round the South coast but less common in the North and North East of the UK

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Fish ID Pictures

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Photo Information

  • Taken with Apple iPhone 6
  • Focal Length 4.2 mm
  • Exposure Time 1/989
  • f Aperture f/2.2
  • ISO Speed 32

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