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Everything posted by wrigler

  1. Thats a Lunker plaice and I'm dead jealous. My best of 5.8 a few years ago gave me heart stopping moments to net > This guys rod must have been touching its toes before being landed. Plaice are often under estimated and lost when they make dives for bottom so well done !! Poole over the years keeps producing the occasional specimen and I'm sure one day it will produce a record fish. Just hope its MEEE|!!!! Terry
  2. The topic of engine flushing on a mooring made me evaluate my proceedure of connecting a hose to the hose connector on my engine and running the engine to flush it . From advice from the forums that this proceedure doesn't fully flush the whole engine, I decided to check my service agent for his advice. He catagoricaly states that this connection shouldn't be used when the engine is running as the impeller could be damaged because of lack of lubrication. The only safe way of flushing is to use Muffs from the bottom end of the outboard. Terry
  3. Thanks for answering my query so quick . Call me picky but is it a sheer coincidence that the sand and material we are buying and transporting from the Isle of Wight is the same consistency as on the beach at Southbourne. OR!! after a heavy storm or two does this same sand travel down to the Mudiford entrance and Avon beach and end up from whence it came off the Isle of Wight. In the storms of the 80s I can remember having to walk across sand 10 yards or more from Mudifords wall to cast into the channel. So Bournemouth are having to keep buying this same sand time after time. As said previously I'm no expert but I'm currently looking to invest in sand dredging companys on the Island. Slimple. Terry
  4. I noticed when looking over southbourne cliffs a working vessel approx a half mile east of boscombe pier with a floating boom at the shore side extending for quite a distance . Its too far from the the (said reef) to be related to any ongoing improvements. Does anybody know the reason for these works? Terry
  5. wrigler


    Hi Lofty . I took the V.H.S course for free on a Saturday morning at the adult learning centre in Christchurch (Bargate end)four years ago. Its well worth a call (01202 262648)to see if they still have this course available. Why Pay? Good luck Terry.
  6. I have a suzuki 70 injection 4 stroke with a hose connector and especially during winter months (less useage) I flush the engine regulary. I note from previous members comments this does not flush the whole system. Is this correct? Getting back to the Rockley park as against P B M. issue. The new manager at Rockley is a very dedicated guy and I have spoken to him about prices and a possible move. The price is considerably cheaper but the distance I drive to the marina for a days fishing ,and then take my boat to possible fishing marks has to be taken into account. P.B.M 's ticks all the the box's for convenience and the launching and recovery is second to none!! I really can't fault them. The problem with PBM is their inability to see there is a serious need to consider that customers cannot afford increases year on year when the average person has less disposible income. The second problem is the the ever increasing restaurant and bars bringing more cars into the car park . I decided to go fishing on an afternoon in July . I entered the car park and found one space and started to reverse into it and had to have a (gun fight at OK coral) with an irate restaurant customer trying to force me out. . This is not the way to start an enjoyable fishing session and although I won they need to sort this out. SO!!!! you and I have to work out which is best. A longer trip with no aggro and more fuel used or a more convenient marina with a need to put the the mooring customers first before the restaurant customers (unlikely) The Jury's still out for me. The Jury's out for me
  7. Good luck Brian If its helpfull PM me and I'll try to give more info .
  8. Brian the best advice I can give you if plaice is your quarry , Save your petrol and find a spot nearer home. They are there!!
  9. wrigler

    New House

    Hi Ben, I do know a guy who was most helpfull and certainly saved us a few bob in both sale and purchase for reasonable cost (Brian Willis on 01202 290212) Good luck Terry
  10. One circuit is okay but didn't he realise after a few times that the coastline seemed familiar. A good name for this guy is "Cockeye the failure man" Terry
  11. wrigler


    You're almost there but how about air travel only for immigrants during the present emergency!!!!! Name withheld
  12. Hi Guys. Like all of you I'm raring to go. The forcast is good on Friday so I'm heading out to the swash looking for early flatties. Will post the results . Terry
  13. I read the angling reports online and in the local echo and see detailed comments of catches of plaice (or other fish) giving details of location in the Poole area and despairingly visualise commercial and illegal fishermen making plans based on this information. They obviously know roughly the movements of fish stocks but I'm sure this information helps them target the unfortunate quarry. As a veteran plaice angler I remember in past years hardly ever having a blank day and returning lots of undersize fish . OK that was 20 years ago and things change. BUT!!! anybody taking their boat from Poole entrance towards Bournemouth, or sailing to the back of hook sands can't fail to be depressed at the lines of nets put out to catch the poor returning fish . I truly believe that all of these nets cannot be legal. So who is policing the placing of these nets??As previously reported I've even seen nets inside the harbour. Is there really a fishery protection body ? or has has it been made inaffective by lack of government funding. Perhaps this club could contact the authorities to question the legality of these nets! Terry
  14. On our recent trip Mon the 1st march we fished middle channel hoping for Flounders or early plaice . NO bites apart from crabs . The worrying factor was looking towards \Brownsea and the Wych channel and seeing netting buoys on the Brownsea side of the channel . I.m not sure of if these nets are legal and if not why ? is nobody enforcing these rules?. Terry.
  15. All my sympathy to wife and daughters. I walked into his shop at 8.00 today and felt gutted to hear this news. His repartee' and humour( usually rude) made a visit to his store a personal pleasure. The humour was always accompanied by an equal measure of helpfull advice that made you aware this guy knows his stuff. He will be missed . Terry.
  16. wrigler

    Tiger Woods

    Statement from Tiger---- I've played 17 holes but 18 has landed me in the rough and by god she's rough
  17. When I purchased my boat I thought of home comforts and purchased a biopot 30 chemical loo . The package contained chemical cleaners and the package cost
  18. I had a couple of nasty marks on my merry fishers windows caused by contact by contact of rod ends when packing gear away .Unfortunately I can't remember the name of firm I was sent to apart from it very near Alder rd recreation ground. He supplied me with a very fine sheet of wet & dry to rub the scratches and a small jar of polishing compound . It worked a treat. Scratches gone The interesting thing he did say was if I didn't have the polishing compound brasso liquid (not pads) would do the same job.
  19. With respect to electronics,fishing marks, small boats ,bigger boats, in harbour, out of harbour. Please carry all the safety equip you can and listen to all our members advice. Fishing !! thats different and it's the element of surprise that keeps us hanging in there. This Sunday I left harbour at 7.30 and drifted all plaice marks I've known for the last 15 years. A big tide and a heavy swell,lines of nets and the armada leaving harbour made for a poor session. Three hours later ( I'd promised the F.P.O. to be back to greet visiting relatives )I returned to harbour , Armada still coming through. Dropped baited line overboard and proceeded to clean the deck and get shipshape before returning to P. B. Marina. Everything done I grabbed my rod and started to reel in. Sh!! snagged. I gained line and suddenly the snag!! headed for bottom.( THERE IS A GOD)A few minutes later a very nice Spotty was on the surface .Net came out (Daiwa with the spring ball that holds net to shaft) unfortunately my ball didn,t .Corrosion? I grabbed the net head and just managed to deter a last dive and netted a lovely 3.25 plaice . Point being most of my best fishes over the last 20 yrs (ling Cod and conger apart) have been caught no more than a mile from shore. Its harder but still achieveable. Good luck Terry
  20. wrigler

    anka yanka

    As a drift fishing enthusiast(lazy) I seldom anchor. But with the bream fishing starting soon maybe I need to change tack . My problem is hastening age and the lack of strength to retreive the anchor. I'm quite happy to go for the anka yanka idea but I'm a little phased at the length of rope and a outboard prop being nearby. Perhaps you guys that use this method could give guidance . My understanding is I would retreive the anchor from the stern area.? After this I would then move forward to the bow and thread the rope and anchor into the bow hatch.!!
  21. My wife and I have just finished our first spring plaice meal (blody luvly) She then says to me, " Whats the next species I will be hunting " (WELL) Trying to be topical I told her next Sunday I was going to Poole patch to try to catch Colin. Well!!! I Don't know if its my new pink shirt or her thinking that the Poole Patch was a new gay bar ----I'm now to be found alone on a swing mooring for the rest of the weekend. No pun intended. HELP
  22. wrigler

    Hello All

    lAs a neutral onlooker and a parkstone bay boat owner I would say Tom deserves a vote of thanks for the members he points towards OUR club. He introduced me to the club and int' site and in this tough financial time (Him as well as us)he continues to post advice and help to all members. Welcome Oli from K4AD at B10 Terry
  23. wrigler

    The Blocks

    Thanks Tom , In my ignorance I thought it was code for a local mark. I'd better pack my pajamas and toothbrush for an overnight stay!! Thanks again. Terry.
  24. wrigler

    The Blocks

    Reading a members problem with engine alarm systems( hopefully sorted soon )He mentioned fishing the blocks.As a plaice fishing enthusiast I haven't heard of this mark . Would it be possible to know the location. Terry
  25. The two per boat rule ! I'm a member but my crew isn't. can I fish it and what time and location is weigh in. ? If all okay Rule me In.
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