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Everything posted by wrigler

  1. Well done Tom, Robson couldn't have given a more entertaining fishing adventure report? You are a very good example of fishing companion. I recently came in to the Park Bay Pontoons and you offered help to take the ropes to tow me in to the fork lift. I embarked onto the pontoon and noticed you had one leg of your jeans rolled up . This could mean an open invitation to join the masons(AT LAST) |Then I saw the rolled up leg was dripping water. ( incontinance??)All joking aside thanks for helping then and in the past. Terry
  2. As an angler who loves relaxing drift fishing for plaice,I have seen the decline in my last few years due primarily I'm sure to lines of nets stretching from Poole entrance over Hook sands and eastwards round the bay. My local tackle dealer urges me to forget plaice drifting and diversify. Would these unattended lines of nets be included in the ban?? I have signed anyway if it only stops the beam trawler that circles regularly off of Bournemouth pier and the Durley's. On a more optimistic note I disregarded the tackle dealers advice and this weekend my pal and I netted 8 plaice . Nothing huge and most returned . So never say die and good luck with this petition.
  3. Hi Paul . can you tell me the date and month when membership is renewed
  4. I agree "Seastart "only operate from a limited distance from harbour but on most outer limits an auxillary would struggle to get you home. I had the unfortunate experience of my brand new 70hp outboard injesting a sheet of polythene when exiting the Poole entrance on a full spring ebbing tide. The choice was drift back towards the ferry and with luck avoid it or take "Our" chances on also avoiding hook sands and a fast appearing training bank. My engine was down to reduced power and rightly or wrongly I turned uptide and struggled back to the side of Brownsea castle and managed to grab a buoy and tie on. The engine died ""Terminally""at that point . As a member of seastart I rang them on my mobile and within an hour we were under tow back to Parkstone bay marina My insurance covered a replacement engine and I was so glad that I'd Invested in Seastart. Yes of course the RLNI are the ultimate life saver but we also have to take all available protection to leave them free to deal with real emergencies. Reading reports of RLNI callouts it seems most are inshore so for
  5. She banged their heads together and gave them both an earfull !! Terry.
  6. ""Nice picture of the twins , shame about the red eye!!
  7. I know you're a beginner at angling but your hearing's defective . We said we'd allow you a "head start" NOT A " dead shark"
  8. We arrived at the marina at 8.45 Sunday finding an exceptionally low neap tide. we eventualy crept out at 10.30 and found ourselves in an an armada of boats heading out through the entrance to give their Gin palaces a first taste of spring sunshine. Bream are lovely but the option of the car park or the swash and the constant traffic decided us to head for somewhere in between. Good decision We started our 2nd drift and my pal had a nice 1lb plaice . Next drift my rod held down and I thought I'd snagged bottom. I started to reel in and felt a nodding pull, next!! my light spinning rod was bent double. After a few minutes tussle my pal netted a lovely 4.5 Turbot. Minutes later on the next drift my mate pulled another nice plaice in. Today with its perfect conditions makes me realise why I keep doing it. Terry
  9. wrigler

    Anka Yanka

    Having had my anchor stuck fast a few times ( luckily retrieved but at the cost of painfull pulled muscles a couple of times )I will this year invest in the anka yanka set up . Is my Danforth compatable ? The anchor chain is heavier. Any advice will be helpfull. Terry
  10. First trip since the flounder season and we headed outside the harbour and drifted the branksome area with no great expectations of success . After 2 hours and a cold northerly blow we decided to go back and anchor inside the harbour to have a coffee and a bite to eat. We dangled baited traces over the stern and were just about to head back to base when my rod started to twitch. 5 Min later I netted a 3.5 beautifull spotted plaice. Optimistic thought The nets don't get them all. Terry
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