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live bait

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    Live Bait

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  1. Hi all, my boat is now listed at BHG if anyone wants to check it out..... http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/Fishing-Boats-for-sale/terhi-nordic-6020c/150189
  2. Thanks guys, I'm using Edge, but now managed to post it via the Word icon, which for some strange reason I hadn't noticed before! Clive
  3. Hi all, I’m planning to sell my boat soon, so I thought I would offer it here before advertising. Terhi Nordic 6020c (4.62m) Evinrude 25 Etec Great inshore boat, rides well, good comfort and decent freeboard.18-24kts in calm conditions depending on load. Plenty of images / info online if you Google Tehri 6020c and at http://www.terhi.fi/en-en/boat-models/motorboats/terhi-nordic-6020-c Mine has side rails, all seat cushions, full cover re-stitched recently. Hull about 8 years old. Engine about 5 yrs old, but only around 200 hours. On trailer, currently near Highcliffe. Extras include: - Live bait well and pump 3kg Bruce anchor, chain, rope, in box Garmin 550s plotter / sounder (about 7 years old) 2 Auto life jackets Various accessories I’m thinking around £4,700. Anyone interested? Offers? Couple of pics attached from the bass catching days showing front and rear of boat! For full story and details PM me or email cw@redboxfire.co.uk . Regards, Clive
  4. Hi all, I'm trying to post a description of my boat for sale in the appropriate forum, but it won't let me paste text from a word doc or upload the whole word doc. Any ideas please? Thank you. Clive
  5. Nice one Alan!
  6. Even more bonkers!
  7. Bonkers.
  8. I've seen a yacht stranded on Beer Pan before, but if this info is correct (i.e. further out) it can only be something like a container, as rocks don't generally move unless in a Biblical sense! If so defo worth caution. Could your friend be mistaken about the exact location? If not there are going to be many boats shooting across this area at relatively high speed within a few weeks, is there any agency to report this to?
  9. Was out yesterday with Alun. When we went out no markers were there, but when we came in they were! Quite a narrow channel. I think they probably still need to add an outer pair for lrager boats. The slipway tax hut has beeen rescued from storm oblivion and reinstated. Also, I hesitate to report this, but the fishing was pants. Murky water most areas. It seems to me that the sediment dropped on the ledge from the storms is being stirred up on the bigger tides. Needs to clear I think before it picks up.
  10. Good year for early season Bream last year for me, although we sometimes had to move around to find them. I got the impression we could have carried on catching way past May, but by then Bass were engaging our interest.
  11. Hi admins, I logged on today for the first time in a few days and Norton flagged up an intrusion message re "Styx exploit kit 6" from "fynj.selected usp.us". It then flagged up another attempted intrusion under another name a minute later. Just to let you know ...... Sorry if this has already been reported. Clive
  12. live bait


    My engine may be smaller than what you are looking at, but I chose the Etec 25 2 years ago as a replacement for my old Yam 2 stroke. It has beeen great, although despite the long service interval (300 hrs) I had mine checked the first year and serviced this spring at around 150 hrs and a few bits changed, just to be on the safe side. Mudeford shallow water "mud" will contribute to wear if you are based around there. It starts first time every time, even after winter, uses little fuel and oil, and is much quieter than the old 2 stroke. No complaints from me. Check out where you would have it serviced though, as support in marine services is overall poor in my experience. Clive
  13. Brand new burley bomb still got instructions inside it. I can't upload a pic from my phone £12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Bream fishing for you this year then? Great bit of kit, would say yes but already have one!
  14. You guys are bonkers imo but well done for getting out there and finding a few!
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