I have admiralty paper charts for disposal,they are in good order all dated early to late 1980s NON CORRECTED,dare i say NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. the numbers are 3654,2675,2656,2669,2602,60,2744,2646,2664,2648,2647,798,2690,2645,2645,2745,3655,20,2694,1432,1432,2557,2668,3674,2665,1652,1613,2613,2644,3668,2643,2351,3659,3655,807,3653,3345.these cover the english channel channel isles and the coast of france . all i ask is i cannot deliver or post these are in Poole area if you are intrested i would like you to make a donation to the RNLI of your choice.My mobile is 07964678280