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Wight Magic

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Everything posted by Wight Magic

  1. 48 hr Comp will start 6pm 5th July and finish 6pm 7th July 1) Court Jester - Neal Sturt and crew TBA 2) alfresco charlie sam dan and ben 3) Joint Venture - Adam, Alun J and Bob F 4] Wight Magic - Dave , Kev , Chris
  2. The weather was a big factor i like this comp and the fiver is not a issue Dave
  3. My best was 2lb 8 oz Dave
  4. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie and Jon (JK) 2) Kingfisher - Chris plus crew TBA 3) Dream Drifter - Alfie plus crew TBA 4) MegaByte - Brian, Mark, Thomas, Tamzin 5) Awol- Martin, Dean, Rich Stevens 6) Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett ,Mike Toms 7) Sweet Pea - Mal Thomas. Crew TBA 8) Kelly's Heroes - John Stevenson, Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill (Ferret). 9) Alfresco Charlie Dan Chrissie Will 10) Illusion - Tom Smith - plus crew 11) Joint Venture - Adam, Alun, Paul Frey 12) Wight Magic - Dave Evans Ben
  5. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie and Jon (JK) 2) Kingfisher - Chris plus crew TBA 3) Dream Drifter - Alfie plus crew TBA 4) MegaByte - Brian, Mark, Thomas, Tamzin 5) Awol- Martin, Dean, Rich Stevens 6) Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett ,Mike Toms 7) Sweet Pea - Mal Thomas. Crew TBA 8) Kelly's Heroes - John Stevenson, Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill (Ferret). 9) Alfresco Charlie Dan Chrissie Will 10) Illusion - Tom Smith - plus crew 11) Joint Venture - Adam, Alun, Paul Frey 12) Dave Evans Ben . boat TBA
  6. very good Adam can not wait for the next one Dave
  7. Good call as i should be able to fish that date
  8. Happy birthday cheers Dave
  9. I will try and meet up tuesday nite but it will depend on work Dave
  10. Posted Today, 10:40 AM Adam - Ravioli, Beef, Creme Brûlée Alun J - Ravioli, Beef, Cheeses and Biscuits Rob F - Ravioli, Beef, Cheeses and Biscuits Martin - Crab, Beef, Cheese Terry - Ravioli, Beef, Pear Kev - Ravioli, beef, Creme Brûlée Chris - Ravioli, Beef, Cheeses and Biscuits Chris - Ravioli, Beef, Creme Brûlée Tony - Ravioli, Beef, Cheese and Biscuits Graham Alfie Nige, Peter Ravioli, Beef Chese and Bics Matt Dave Ravioil ,Beef . cheeses and Biscuits Craig Crab Plaice Filet Creme Brulee Paul Chicken liver ,Beef . Cheese and Biscuits Charlie, Sam Dan Will crab,plaice,brulee Ben crab , plaice , cheese and good weather !!!! Steve: bisque, plaice, pear Lloyd: crab, plaice, creme brulee Alan: crab, beef, pear Andrew: Crab, Beef, Creme Brulee Dean
  11. Geordie Brian . 1 plaice Lofty. 1 plaice 2 whiting Carol Fox 3 species: Dogfish,Brill, Whiting Mike Fox 2 species: Poor Cod, Dogfish Nigel Allen 4 species Cod,pollack,pout,mackerel Neal Sturt 2 species: Ballan, Pout. Stuart Cooper 4 species: Ballan Wrasse, Corkwing Wrasse, Pout, Poor Cod. Alun Jones 3 species : poor cod, pollack, pout Chris Witheford 3 species : poor cod, pollock, pout Dave Evans 3 species . Pollack ,Pout , Mackeral
  12. Posted Yesterday, 08:02 PM 1) Court Jester - Neal + crew TBA 2) Wishin Too -Nigel + Mal -Sharky(non member) 3) Kingfisher - Chris + Alun + Stu (Non member) 4] Alfresco - Charlie - Dan - Will - Plus 1TBC 5) Frisky Fox - Carol/Mike plus possible space for a little one 6) AWOL Martin - Dean 7] Wight Magic Dave Craig Kev Mick
  13. Adam Alun J Rob F - Ravioli, Beef, Cheeses and Biscuits Martin Terry Kev Chris Chris Tony Graham Alfie Nige, Peter Matt Dave Ravioil ,Beef . cheeses and Biscuits Craig Paul Charlie, Sam Dan Will Ben Steve Lloyd Alan Andrew Dean
  14. Joint Venture - Adam, Alun J & Rob F Awol - Martin, Terry, Kev Kingfisher Serenity - Tony Wishin Too - Nige, Freebouys - Peter & Matt White Magic - Dave , Craig , Paul Mrs Sea - Greg Alfresco - Charlie, Sam, Dan, Will, Ben Tigerfish - Steve, Lloyd, Alan
  15. hi Adam i am looking to get out sunday proberly head straight out to some wrecks Dave
  16. Wight Magic


    Hi Jon i use Guys Plant Hire to move my gear around 01202 822842 Dave
  17. So your May wests are to big?
  18. Thanks for the comments had to work today in the snow cheers Dave
  19. Wight Magic is up for it at the moment all the dates look ok to me Dave
  20. i hope eveveryone has got bait for tommorrow as i have just struggled to get some Dave
  21. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie, Brian (aka Cabin Boy) 2) Kingfisher - Chris, Stu (non member) 3] Alfresco - Charlie, Graham [room for more if anyone wants to join us] 4] Serenity - Tony, Martin 5] Wight Magic-Dave ,Kev Mick 6) Warren - Rich, Alun
  22. Time to start listing who intends fishing ...subject to weather! 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie, Brian (aka Cabin Boy) 2) Kingfisher - Chris, Stu (non member) Jim Davies 3] Alfresco - Charlie, Graham [room for more if anyone wants to join us] 4] Serenity - Tony, Martin 5] Wight Magic-Dave ,Kev
  23. Merry Christmas everyone Dave
  24. 1) Court Jester - Neal + crew TBA 2) Serenity - Tony + need crew 3) MegaByte - Brian + Mark + Thomas and Tamzin (Juniors) 4] Wight Magic -Dave- Kev
  25. Happy birthday Rob Cheers Dave
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