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  1. Hi I have had to put my boat up for sale due to the credit crunch,it can be veiwed on ebay under halmatic fishing/ day boat if any one is intrested in buying one.
  2. Hi I joned the club months ago, and i did not know there were other pages on the site for members only, please could someone tell me where i find them as its not on the main forum page. Do we get news letters or anything else? Darrell.
  3. bacon100


    Hi I payed my membership by paypall on the 17th of april and have not heard anything, do we get news letters or or mebership cards ect. Thanks Darrell
  4. yes they have helped me with all my proping problems. They say they love xch harber
  5. HI thanks for the info, im 2.15- 1 so 14x17 could be worth a go, anyone got one for the weekend..
  6. Hi yr i did put all the size and weight under the boat forum under ( trim tabs or doel fins) its 21ft aprox 2ton and 130 hp.thanks
  7. Hi my motor is non turbo its the old aq130 4cyl petrol .It now runs well after a rebuild so the power should be some where around the 130hp mark ,thanks for you input though .Darrell
  8. 2.4mt inflatable wood slat floor and wood transom will take up to 4hp motor and 300kg .red colour has been used but still lots of life left in it offers please . will px for a fixed gps..
  9. Hi I can pull 5000-5100 but with the 16x10 i feel it has lost the forwad push a bit,it is a standard blade width. I have a 14.5x13 with high speed blades that only pulls 4200 rpm but seems as fast though i do need to check this with my gps. if so might be werth re pitching that prop as one last chance.I have also got some smart tabs to put on but am told this will probably not help much. Darrell
  10. Hi whale tail xl for sale, you can find anything out about it at www.davisnet.com thanks
  11. Thanks to trev for the loan off the prop. we are now down to 16x10 RPM at max and still no planing, oh well does anyone have some HP for sale Ill see you out there at around 10 knotts ..
  12. Hi plaicemat did you get my pm??
  13. I just bought some smart tabs for my boat as i thought
  14. Coddy and trever good to meet up over the weekend, the out come is that the doelfins do seem to lift the stern; but the bow is still pointing up to the sky .trim tabs are now on order. trev the 15x15 you lent me will only get 3200-3400 rpm and i pulled 4200-4400 with a 16x13 so im going to get the pitch checked if thats ok ,maybe its been re done at some time because that does not add up to me . Thanks again for your help ill let you no the outcome Darrell
  15. Hi TREV if you have grey deck paint ill have 2lts please and,have you any white antifoul for water line ?
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