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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Fail'o last won the day on November 19 2013

Fail'o had the most liked content!

About Fail'o

  • Birthday 08/02/1964

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Fail'o's Achievements

Cod Hauler

Cod Hauler (4/6)



  1. I will be giving the dolphin banks a try again to see if i can get a cod
  2. Biggest we had was 1lb 14oz before wind got up, Well done everyone else Andy
  3. 1) Court Jester - Neal, Stuie and Jon (JK) 2) Kingfisher - Chris, Dogfish Dave, Stu, Chris 3) Dream Drifter - Alfie plus crew TBA 4) MegaByte - Brian, Mark, Thomas, Tamzin 5) Awol- Martin, Dean, Rich Stevens 6) Wishin Too-Nigel,Martin Cherrett ,Mike Toms 7) Sweet Pea - Mal Thomas. Crew TBA 8) Kelly's Heroes - John Stevenson, Allan Green, Dave Samuels and Bill (Ferret). 9) Alfresco Charlie Dan Chrissie Will 10) Illusion - Tom Smith - plus crew 11) Joint Venture - Adam, Alun, Paul Frey 12) Wight Magic - Dave Evans Ben 14) Dog House - Andy Fail, Chris Large
  4. Fail'o


    Decided to take advantage of the weather window yesterday, wanted to get out from Mudeford but due to tide times and heights i did'nt fancy chancing the bar at Mudeford entrance so opted to fish poole harbour for my first ever flounder Tried drifting with some bucktail jigs i got from USA but no luck, so anchored up near Aunt bessy Bouy, slow to start with loads of crabs on rag worm then had few bites but missed them then i finally got a nice fat plump one of 2lb2oz That was it after that as time was getting on had to get back on slip before it got too low, lovely day, Flat calm and very mild. Andy.
  5. Fail'o


    Ventured out again today , Got to Mudeford slip about half 8, not long after saw Alun j arrive, said a quick hello then continued to get boat in water as the bar was getting shallower, just made it through after a few scrapes and headed straight for dolphin sands again, took a while for me to get there as big swell was making it difficult, bites from the start, usual dogs first, small whiting then followed by some decent whiting up to 3 pound, No cod this time, but nice to get out and put some fish in the box and meet the bass king. roll on the next weather window Andy.
  6. Fair play to you, well done lofty.
  7. Fail'o


    Hi all, Just picked up my 2 outboards from one of our fellow club members, one was needing new head gasket the other not working at all, he replaced head gasket , cleaned water jackets , skimmed the head and did a total clean up, lovely. the other he managed to isolate the problem to the stater under the flywheel housing. would just like to say a personal big thanks to him and would highly recommend him to anyone with outboard trouble . he knows exactly what he's talking about. and very reasonably priced. Top bloke . if you require an outboard mechanic call Rich on 07810865926
  8. Thanks for the advice, your probably right. think there is an antenae on the boat already but will tell him to get a new one anyway. Cheers for that.
  9. Hi, All. My Brother has just bought a boat and now requires a fixed vhf radio so if anyone has one for sale thats fairly cheap let me know please. ta.
  10. Hi, what date is the 48hr comp, is there a list of this years competitions as i cant seem to find it , me just being thick !.
  11. lovely fish , roll on sunday, well done
  12. I have, just renewed my membership today
  13. Went out with Tom Smith on his boat illusion also with 2 other members Dan and Steve, Total fog all the way from Swindon to Salterns Marina but still arrived on time before the off, with thick fog all the way to the shambles i was beginning to think my first ever flattie trip was going to be called off, but Toms experience with his navigation equipment got us there no problem, first hour was bit quiet with only couple of dogs to show for our efforts then i managed to catch my first ever Turbot !. a real beauty weghing in at 11 pound then followed by another but only small so quickly went back. Toms turn next but again was fairy small but a Turbot none the less. that was it for us, just went dead. Had a great day out and good to meet some new faces, Tom is a real gent and couldnt help us enough. big thanks to Dan and Steve for all their advice given. Fail'o
  14. Hi, Adam, Thanks a million for the pm, spoke to Tom and arranged to meet up thurs morning, What a true gent he sounds, thanks once again, Cant wait. Andy Fail
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