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About seaspark

  • Birthday 06/27/1965

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DogFish catcher

DogFish catcher (3/6)



  1. Still for sale, Found the user instructions and another same size buoy that would be included.
  2. Sold seaspark and found my anchor yanker in the garage. Stainless anchor retreval ring and an A3 size anchor buoy 47cm x 59cm. Looking for £20.00 if anyone is interested. Call chris on 07787 656860
  3. Have an aux outboard for sale. About 15 Months old used twice. It is a long shaft and is two stroke. Would accept
  4. Have a 5 foot fibreglass tender boat in the garage. Has a small hole about an inch that requires repair. It was for a river mooring but got a bank one at the last minute. Garage tidy means it has to go.
  5. Any ideas on a moderattly priced setup to fish lures, rod and reel and some lures for about
  6. Could anyone give me some info on bait, whats about and some general locations for a short trip out from christchurch please. ust been spring cleaning seaspark and waiting for the weather. Are the buoys out now, the tide book says april? Thanks anyone..
  7. Paul, If you have any spaces for either day I would like to join you on neo. Need some to tell me what i'm doing wrong. Chris
  8. Fished the ledge and enjoyed the sun till lunchtime The conditions weren't too bad compared to recent outings and managed to try all sorts of lures with my new spinning rod i got on sat The run was manic with all the boats around for the RNLI fun day but managed to weave my way home without collision before low tide. Apart from half a dozen mackeral didn't get anything else. In my six trip boating career all I have ever caught is mackeral, l was looking forward to something different for tea. Maybe next time... Chris
  9. 1- Gordon Holt 2- Charlie C 3 - Will S 4 - Colin 5 - Bobbi 6 - Alun J. 7 - Dave S & 8 Bill S 9 - Martin 10- Dean 11 - Jim D 12 - Steve D 13 - Neal Sturt 14 - John Young 15- Paul F 16 - Richard C with fly rod!! 17. Craig 18.Carl 19.Aaron 20 Chris G
  10. seaspark


    Would anyone be able to pass me the coordinates to xray. Have heard many talk about it and have been given an approximate idea of where it is. I would like to pend a day out on sunday or next week if the wind settles down. As a novice have not been over successful to date on my species list hence would like to experiment on a proven mark. Any help appreciated. Chris
  11. Maybe wrong but if I had an old fridge I would just take it to christchurch Dump and put it with all the others. Pretty sure with a copy of proof of address you can easily dispose at your local dump. chris
  12. Dan, Have a trailer that can be used on a semi permanent basis. Have a 16' boat on a mooring and only need it a few weeks a year. I live in christchurch so please pm me if you want to check it out and take it away. Only need a trip out in the bay and some tips in return. chris
  13. seaspark

    Wind speed

    Just checked wind guru for avon beach at the weekend. Looks like 13-15 knots SW. Anyone able to give me an idea of the conditions you would expect as we are only 16' and not up for anything too choppy. Any areas likely to be better than others. Taking it cautious as we were out Monday pm then the fog came down badly. Couldn't see b****r all and got back using only the GPS. Visibility was about 20 metres and it came in quick. Chris
  14. Dave, had a similar problem on sat, it was my first ever trip out and my engine cut out just into the bay from christchurch. The steering cable broke and unravelled behind the dash shorting out the electrics All a bit scarey in a small boat with quite rough seas Managed to get ourselves back quite quickly on the auxilery but still let the coastguard know. Will stick to mudeford harbour this sun as I fitted a new cable today, will try to sort out a buddie boat before we go out to the bay the weekend after. Chris
  15. seaspark

    Maiden voyage

    Hi all, Lauching seaspark sat and looking to do some fishing near to christchurch entrance on sun Any ideas on what local marks to head for and whats about would be appreciated just to get me started. Also what bait do you normally use and where is the best place christchurch way to get some. Appreciate it's a blag for unearnt knowlege but desperate to bring something home after the first trip. My wife is constantly commenting on all the money spent on boat and fishing stuff and how I won't catch anything. Desperate to return with something please. Chris
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